Chapter 29: My girl.

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"Trim that sail!"Hector called out to the men immediately after we had arrived back on the ship, limping his way over to the main mast.
"Trim that sail!" Jack added just a moment after Hector, mirroring his words as he cast glances at the other captain. I followed behind Jack, walking to the helm where I was sure they were gathering.

"Slack windward brace and sheets!" Barbossa shouted.
"Slack windward brace and sheets!" Jack echoed. I rolled my eyes, realising this was going to be the new normal.
"Haul that pennant line!" Barbossa ordered, coming to a stop by the main mast.
"Haul that pennant line!" Jack echoed again, stopping immediately when he realised Hector had paused.

"What are you doing?" Hector asked glaring at Jack.
"What are you doing?" Jack replied childishly.
"No,What are you doing?" Hector shouted, his rotten teeth showing.
"What are you doing?" Jack shouted louder, getting more irate."Captain gives orders on the ship!" He added.

"The Captain of the ship is giving orders!" Hector shouted, completely loosing his cool.
"My ship, makes me Captain!" Jack said childishly.
"They be my charts!" Hector shouted, waving the charts in Jack's face.
"That makes you... chart man." Jack mocked.

"That's it!" I shouted, instantly grabbing the attention of both captains in front of me. "Both of you in the cabin, now!" I turn to face Mr Gibbs and lower my voice significantly, "Mr Gibbs can you join us in the captain's cabin please." I turn around quickly to the quarrelling duo, "And if either of you mentions it being their cabin, I won't hesitate to maroon the both of you in the locker."

I walk quickly into the cabin, the door slamming behind me as I walk over to the desk. Only a moment later, I hear the door creak open as Jack peers his head in timidly, before taking a step forwards, immediately met by Hector as they attempt to barge each other out the way. Mr Gibbs follows suit, looking as perplexed and frustrated at them as I am.

"You can't both be captain of the pearl without some adjustments. You either choose to Captain beside each other efficiently or we divide up the captaincy either by halving the ship or by alternating." I say towards the men who both seem to be acting sheepishly. Mr Gibbs, who's stood off to the side slightly, smirks in amusement.

"An' how do you suggest we alternate Ditty?" Hector says looking at me unconvinced. I see Jack beside him mouth the word 'Ditty' looking confused but he doesn't say anything.

"By taking shifts, and alternating days. 7 days a week, you each take 3.5 days, change over at noon each fourth day." I say formulating the plan in my mind. "But I think the best option is for you each to Captain a side of the ship."

Hector squints his eyes at me for a moment, seemingly thinking it through.
"Aye it could work Ditty, what say you Jack?" He asks turning to Jack with intense eyes. Jack smiled almost sarcastically at Hector before nodding.
"Aye Ditty."
"Aye love."

"Jack are you happy to keep Mr Gibbs as first-mate? Providing Mr Gibbs, you still want the position?" I asked looking between the two. Mr Gibbs immediately nods with an 'aye lass'. Jack nods with a smirk up at me.
"Hector, Mr Gibbs, same question."
Both men agreed.
"On the accord however," Hector says, "that you be second-mate, first-mate when Mr Gibbs be resting or otherwise engaged." I look up at him and he looks hopeful.
"Mine as-well!" Jack pipes up, causing Hector to glare at him again.
"If Mr Gibbs has no qualms with it, I accept."
"Nay lass, be a fine job working alongside yer," Mr Gibbs says with a smile. I nod, smiling before turning to the captains.
"Then I accept." I look at Jack and he winks at me.
"Hector takes starboard side, Jack takes port." Jack begins to open his mouth, no doubt protesting his position but I quickly shoot him down with a threatening look.
"Ok now the divisions. Jack you keep your compass, Hector you keep the charts. Now for the cabin."
"You take it o'course, wether you let him stay is entirely your choice," Hector says quickly with a stern voice, nodding his head to Jack. When I look up at Jack, his eyes are pleading with me with a confident smirk. I roll my eyes and look away.
"So you'll take a cabin below, as will you Mr Gibbs. Elizabeth and Will stay in the third." They all nod, pleased with the outcome.
"Any other business? Or do we have an accord?"
"Nay, though when we need a judge a'board I know where to go," Hector joked, finally unfolding his arms. The men all laugh at this, at-least until I look up and Jack instantly stops, though his eyes still bare amusement.

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