Chapter 25: For Sorrow.

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I had no idea how long we'd been drifting in the open water, the night had come and gone a few times as I stared blankly out into the fathoms below. I wasn't sure when my tears had stopped, or if they even had stopped at this point, I just felt completely numb now.

In our haste we had only managed to grab very basic supplies, not enough for the amount of us left on the boat but that truly didn't matter to me. I'd taken a sip of water every now and then, mostly due to Will's gentle insistence but the idea of food repulsed me.
Most people stayed silent as we travelled, the only conversation was between Will and Elizabeth who spoke quietly, holding each other. Will had looked over at me a few times, seeing my longing gaze at the couple, causing him to pull away from Elizabeth in a manner of empathy, who always seemed to find her way back into his arms.
The sight of the two of them gave me an internal conflict. I was, of course, happy to see them beside each other, safe and in love, but my heart ached more than ever for the man I'd lost, knowing I never had the chance to experience that with him.

When I finally looked up from staring into the water, I noticed we were passing through a dense area of foliage, the exact same as when we had visited Tia Dalma the first time. Jack was here last time.

As we made our way deeper, down the river I could see figures in the water, holding candles in some sort of vigil. Of course she would know his fate. My tears silently streamed down my face as I looked upon the silent tribute to the fallen Captain, my body too weak to sob at this point.

When we approached the shack, Tia was waiting for us on the landing. Her eyes were trained on me, probably noticing my current state. She reached for me first, helping up out of the boat and guided me through the door, grabbing my shoulders as we walked. She offered me a chair by the table that I gladly yet silently accepted whilst the rest of the crew followed us in, taking seats where possible as we maintained the silence.

Tia Dalma walked into the back room, having collected a tray holding steaming mugs which she distributed to us all.

"Against the cold and sorrow," Tia Dalma said, placing my mug in front of me. She then turned to Will who sat wrapped in a blanket beside Elizabeth, "It's a shame, I know you're thinking that with the Pearl you could've freed your father's soul."

"It doesn't matter now, the Pearl's gone, along with its' Captain," He shrugged, casting a regretful glance at me as he spoke the words. I could feel his gaze, not bothering to look up from my mug, watching the steam rise steadily.

"Aye," Mr Gibbs agreed, "And the world already seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all, right to the end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow!" He called. I could picture him raising his mug in respect, but my gaze remained on my untouched mug.

"Never another like Captain Jack," Ragetti added. Please stop speaking about him, I pleaded in my head.

"Lily, If there was anything to be done to bring him back," Will said softly, placing his hand on my shoulder which I instantly flinched at, not meaning to. I nodded, my eyes filling with fresh tears at his words. It was beginning to sink in now that the people around me were talking. The overall silence in the boat made it seem like a nightmare, something I'd dreamt of as we sailed along waiting for Jack to come back to us, all part of his plan. But here we were, a group of people grieving for their captain, and it finally sunk in he wouldn't be coming back.

Tia Dalma quickly shot her gaze to me, which I lifted my head at, feeling the intensity of her stare. "Would you do it? Hm?" She asked.
My brow knitted together briefly, not understanding the question.
"What would any of you be willing to do? Will you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond, to fetch back Jack and his precious Pearl?" She asked, her eyes roaming around the room.

"Yes," I said firmly, looking back into her eyes with as much intensity as I could muster. I heard gasps behind me, clearly not expecting to hear my voice, having lost it when I lost Jack.

Mr Gibbs was the next to agree, "Aye!"
The rest of the crew followed suit, all agreeing in some form which caused me to smile very faintly, proud of each of them.

Tia Dalma then flashed me a smile, reaching out her hand to mine.

"Alright, but if you're going to brave the weird and haunted shores at the world's end, then you will need a Captain who knows those waters," she said cryptically turning towards the staircase that was illuminated by candles.

Our heads whipped round to the sound of heavy footsteps pacing the stairs beside us. As the figure came into views, my mouth dropped open, stunned by the revelation.
There in-front of us, stood the very real and very alive Hector Barbossa.

"So tell me, what's become of my ship?" He asked snickering, looking around us as he took a bite of his very green apple. The monkey jumped onto his shoulder, casting a glance at me before leaping off, into my lap. I smiled at the monkey, scratching him lightly behind the ear as he chirped enthusiastically. I was shocked by Barbossa's appearance but honestly I'd seen the man in so many forms, many states of life and death that I barely stopped to question things anymore.

"You're really here?" Elizabeth probed frowning.

"Aye I be here, in flesh and in blood," he sneered, taking another sloppy bite of his apple.

"You're willing to help us get Jack back?" I asked, glancing up at him. He looked at me a moment, clearly taken back by the monkeys affection.

"Aye lassie, 'tho my priority be retrieving me ship," he said with a squint of him eyes. I nodded in understanding, not expecting anything else.

"So what do we do next?" I asked, my eyes trailing between Tia Dalma and Barbossa.

"Singapore," Barbossa smiled, Tia's grin matching his.

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