Chapter 35: The exchange.

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"You never told me your father was Captain Teague!" I said to Jack as we entered the cabin. He'd been incredibly clingy with me since leaving shipwreck cove, well since approaching it really.
He merely shrugged at my words, slipping off his effects, then his jacket, clearly not interested in the conversation.
"Ya never told me your father was a lord," he countered, somewhat childishly.
I raised my eyebrow at him, amused by his actions. We stayed in comfortable silence for a few moments.
"So, Jackie," I said teasingly. I saw his eyes flicker to me, an unreadable expression in them. "I quite like your new nickname, might use it more often."
He seemed to bristle slightly, a huff of breathe leaving his nose before smirking, making his way over to me with an exaggerated swagger.

"Aye love, if yer like, but only in the privacy of our cabin, savvy? Don't want me men picking up on it," he smirks, reaching up to grab a lock of my hair whilst the other hand came to rest on my back, keeping me pressed firmly against him. Our cabin.

I paused, taking in the glorious moment, realising just how good he looked right now. I couldn't help but smile, reaching up slightly on my tiptoes to place a delicate kiss to his soft lips. The kiss had clearly taken him by surprise but within a few seconds he was eagerly kissing me back. The hand that had been teasing a lock of my hair now rested on the back of my head, his fingers submerged deeply into my hair. My hands came to rest on his chest, feeling the very slight sheer of sweat just in between his pecks. The kiss wasn't lustful, it was a declaration of love in sorts and never intensified, just remained a stolen moment of passion between us, an act of love.

We were both a little tense at the prospects we faced, knowing there was real danger ahead as we entered the war with Beckett and Davy Jones. Both of them already proving that they would stop at nothing to hunt down Jack and see him dead; one of them already succeeding. The worry that Jack would stab the heart was looming over me constantly, although I tried to push it away at every turn. If he did, at least I would still be able to call him mine, and he would live eternally with no worry that I would lose him again. I'd never have to feel the pain I did in those months without him, never again. But still, ten years was a long time to be away from the man you loved.

We pulled away a few moments later, both of us smiling at we gazed at the other, Jack's golden teeth gleaming by the light of the lamp beside us.
"Love, when this is all over, I want yer to do something for me," he rasped, his hand moving from my hair to delicately grip my chin, keeping my gaze fixed on him.
"Anything Jack," I said honestly. He smirked at this, apparently pleased with my answer.
"Marry me."

My eyes widened, shocked that those words had come out of his mouth. Sure he'd mentioned it in passing not that long ago, and he had technically proposed to me before but this felt different, this felt real.

"Jack," I whispered, unable to say more as tears started to well in my eyes.
"This isn't a proposal love, not yet, it's a promise. When we're clear from this, I'll do it properly, with a proper ring and me' knee bent. Yer my world woman, need you to know that."
His eyes glistened with an intense honesty he only showed when we were in private. I couldn't help the smile that broke out on my face, a tear slipping from my eye. I lunged forward and pressed another kiss to his lips, a kiss much needier and desperate now as my heart soared.
Taken aback again, I felt Jack smile and chuckle into the kiss as he reached for me again.

Our hands wandered, desperately clutching at each other as we kissed, this time with lust and passion. Jack backed me up to the wall of the ship and dominated the kiss, forcing me to submit to his powerful lips and wandering hands. The spark in me ignited and I needed to feel more of him, in any way I could get, desperate for him.

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