Chapter 21: The return to Tortuga.

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Music filled the bustling tavern, busy and rowdy as ever, as we set up our tables in the back. Mr Gibbs sat away from us on his own table, guarding the sign up sheet for the new crew, interviewing the prospective candidates.

Jack and I had secured a small table off to the side where we sat not too far from Mr Gibbs as the rest of the crew were given shore leave for the day- god only knows where they ended up.

Jack kept reaching for his compass, opening it up for only a few seconds and gazing at it before slamming it back onto the table. He'd done this at least five times in the past three minutes and I had to roll my eyes at him.

"Jack it's not going to magically change," I said, reaching for my tumbler and taking a large swig. He huffed slightly at this, reaching for the compass again, now with closed eyes and knitted brows, deeply thinking as if he were making a wish.

"What is it you want Jack?" His eyes shot open, first the right eye and then both as he looked at me. "What do you want most? Maybe I can help you."
He looked away and down at the compass, "Don't know love, therein lies our little problem." I sighed gently, not knowing how to help. I drank the last of my drink and stood up from the table, Jack's head turning to me as he looked at me questioningly.

"I've got an errand to run, won't be long. Don't leave without me," I said, grabbing my hat off the table. Jack's hand reached out and grabbed my wrist making me halt.

"I'll come with yer love, s'not safe on yer own. Mr Gibbs, we'll be back shortly!" He shouted over. Mr Gibbs just nodded in reply, guzzling his tumbler of rum.

"What's yer need love?" He asks as we walk out of the tavern.
"I need some new clothes Jack, especially now the weathers turning," I said walking quickly to the mercantile around the corner. He hummed, pondering.
"Seems a shame though love, I'm quite fond of yer dress." When I turned to him he was smirking and I rolled my eyes.

We reached the mercantile store quickly, narrowly avoiding the drunken man who fell in between us, directly onto the ground just outside the store entrance.
"Jack, you don't want to be shopping for clothes with me, I can meet you back at the-"
"I'm staying. Captain's orders," he said with a smirk.
"Thought you were just Jack to me," I said, winking at him before walking into the store. I nearly let out a laugh when I noticed a few moments later he wasn't behind me, but instead stood where I left him, a dazed look on his face.

I walked over to the display of overcoats and jackets by the back wall, attempting to find something suitable. I immediately spotted a long black coloured jacket with a large collar and frilled detail on the sleeves. The jacket could be secured around the waist with 3 buckles and the material was both light enough for the warm days and also suitable for colder days.
I picked it out, throwing it over my arm and walked towards the selection of dresses they carried. A simple mint coloured dress caught my eye immediately.
It was incredibly simple, cut nicely with a built in bodice, no need for petticoats or underskirts, my current slip would do. Checking the price, I added it to my pile slung over my arm.

Just then Jack walked over to me and grabbed the items out of my arms, slinging them over his shoulder. I smiled and he nodded gently, smirking as we 'paid' for the items and left to return to the tavern.

"Mr Gibbs!" Jack shouted, sauntering over to him, his arm thrown over my shoulders. We took a seat by the table we'd occupied before as Jack reached for the compass again, his other arm now thrown across my back, touching my hip gently. There was a line of four men in front of Mr Gibbs' sign up table, showing there was some promise after all.

"And what makes you think you're worthy to crew the black pearl?" Mr Gibbs enquired, looking at the man in front of him.

"Truth be told, I never sailed a day in me life, figured I should get out and the the world while I'm still young," the old man said honestly.

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