Chapter 39: Best start planning.

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When we returned to the ship, I placed my new purchases in the cabin and then stood talking with Hector for a while on deck before Jack had sent me down to the holds to count the supplies and rations. Jack had purchased additional supplies ashore which Pintel and Ragetti had lugged back to the ship earlier in the day and they needed rationing and putting away.
I'd spent some time transferring the bottles of rum into the racks of the hold, careful to handle the prized liquid.

"Mrs Captain?" I heard a shaky voice call out behind me. I walked out of the rum hold, locking the door and turned to see Ragetti stood almost nervously in front of me.
"The captain requires you on deck," he said. I smile, nodding as he gestured for me to ascend the stairs. When I turned to look behind, he was no longer behind me and I begin to climb the stairs to the deck.

The first thing I notice is that the skies were now almost pitch black, except for the light of the lanterns and candles that flickered, hundreds of them laid out on deck.

As soon as I walk out on deck, I hear a guitar playing, off to the side near the front bow. I see an unfamiliar man perched near the bowsprit playing. He reminded me of an old friend who used to play the guitar in a similar fashion, although they looked completely different. Movement on the starboard side caused my eyes to focus on another man, this time much more familiar in appearance.

Jack sat casually on a cannon on the starboard side, fixing me with an intense gaze.
"Darling," he greeted, smirking as he pulled a bottle of wine from the mouth of the cannon. He then stepped off the cannon, walking forwards towards me as the music continued to play. He suddenly threw a small silver goblet to me, which I caught seamlessly, holding in a laugh at his behaviour. He then bent his neck to reach down and uncorked the bottle with his teeth, spitting out the cork somewhere on deck.

"Jack," I began to say, although I couldn't think of anything else to say other than his name.
"Lily," he replied with a smirk, pouring some of the wine into my goblet before he did the same with his own goblet.

"Told yer I'd do this right didn't I," he smirked again, reaching forward with his free hand to pull me close to him, using my hip as leverage.
"You enchant me woman," he said, his eyes gazing lovingly over my face before resting on my lips. I pouted gently, just enough to make my lips appear fuller, knowing he would find it almost impossible not to kiss me.

He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, his hand clutching my dress tighter as he anchored me to him. When we pulled away a moment later, both of us were smiling at each other, completely giving in to the feeling.

"Lily, you captured me girl, the second I saw yer that day in Port Royal," he says, lifting his hand to caress my face. "Knew I loved yer the moment you took out the rudder on the Dauntless." I chuckled at his words as he smirked. He then pulled away from me and took hold of my goblet, and placed both of them on the rail.
"Lillian Swann," he said smoothly, bending down onto one knee in front of me as he took hold of my left hand, "What say you to becoming a Sparrow instead of a Swann?" He smirked again. My eyes began to tear up now, my heart pounding at what was coming.
"Marry me Lily, be me wife."

"Jack," I breathed out, "Yes! Yes of course!" I reached for him, pulling him up as we both smiled like fools at each other.
Reaching down for my hand, he suddenly slipped a beautiful gold ring onto my finger. Jack then surged forward, capturing me in an almost bruising kiss as his hands crept to my waist and lifted me up, still kissing me. The kiss was nearly all teeth as we both smiled.

Suddenly from all around us, the crew appeared with loud cries of elation and applause.
Jack set me back down, clutching tightly to me still.
"Slice the membrace!" Jack shouts, causing the rest of the crew to holler once again as Mr Gibbs immediately runs below deck to begin distributing drinks to the men aboard as we looked on, drinking from our little goblets.

"Best start ye planning love, want yer to be me wifey as soon as we can make Port," Jack almost growls in my ear causing me to bite my lip.
"Why Port?" I ask, turning to him and placing my arms around his neck.
"Eh?" He asked, clearly a little confused, his hands automatically raising to rest on my hips.
"Well you are captain of a ship... as you've told me many, many times... and so is Hector," I reason with him, seeing the words sinking in. "Why wait til we make port? Can't imagine any better place than right here aboard the pearl for, what did you call it, a little marri-age?"

He stares at me bewildered for a moment, his eyes searching mine.
"But don't you-"
"Jack, I don't need a big fancy wedding, or a cake or any of that, I just need you. This ship is home, it's where we're both happiest," I say, looking up into his softening eyes. I then lean closer to whisper seductively in his ear, "besides, if we get married right here, you can spend our wedding night your with your wife on your ship, any way and anywhere you want her."
He closed his eyes and I knew when he opened them they would be almost pure black in arousal. I was right.
He opened his eyes and fixed me with a gaze so intense my core clenched for a second.
"Now?" He said excitedly, causing me to scramble a little.
"No not now! I still would like to wear something other than this old manky dress!" I laughed at his sudden eagerness, trying to drag him back down to logical thinking.
"I like yer dress," he mumbled childishly before he shook his head slight, "Fine, new dress, maybe pick up yer cousin en route and we get hitched," he smirked. His words warmed my heart, his thoughtfulness at including Elizabeth and I nodded excitedly.

"To the Captain n'his bride!" Hector shouted, raising his glass. The men all cried out in agreement before taking a large swig of their drinks, a celebration all around.

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