-Homophobia (usage F-slur)Clay's POV
It was the break and I sat down with my teammates again, although it wasn't as chill as always. I was looking around me to find George. He usually sat close to our group and I used to completely get lost in his eyes.
I could stare at George for hours, I also could probably talk about him for hours. Everything was perfect about him, literally everything. I imagined his face often and I wrote his name all over my notebooks when I was at home. I often drew hearts around it and before I knew, my whole notebooks were full of George's name all the time.
I could probably say that I was in love with George and it wasn't just a small crush anymore. When I saw George coming out of the stall, my heart literally skipped five beats. I wanted to talk to him, but I didn't really know how. Luckily George started talking to me first and I talked to him after that.
I honestly was trying really hard to flirt a little with him, but I didn't dare to so I ended up talking about my hair. When I walked away I was literally hitting my own head, I felt so dumb for what I said. I overthought the whole situation around a hundred times, coming up with way better things I could have said.
Because I was so in love with George, I wanted to be as perfect as possible to him. He would never fall in love with me too, but I still wanted to be perfect to him. He might never fall in love with me, but he at least could like me as a friend, if nothing more.
I looked around me again to look for George and I suddenly saw him walking with Darryl. They walked together and normally they sat down in front of us, but not this time. I could understand that after what happened yesterday, but it made me really sad too. I just wanted to look at him, he was so beautiful.
I might have sounded creepy, but I dreamt about him every single night. My dreams comforted me often, because it made me feel like I really had a relationship with him. It made me feel like he actually loved me like I loved him.
I dreamt about him last night again. I dreamt about how I gently pushed him down on his bed, staring in his eyes for a little, just to kiss his chest and neck after that. After that we stared into each other's eyes again and he smiled shyly, blushing as I rubbed my hand over his chest softly.
I dreamt about how I started leaning in and slowly let myself fall on top of him, connecting our lips together. I dreamt about how he kissed me passionately and how he deepened the kiss slightly, making me even more flustered than I already was.
Maybe it was wrong of me to fantasise about those things, knowing he would never like me, but still. I liked thinking of it, even though I knew it would never happen.
I looked at George walking past, I adored everything about him. The way he spoke, the way he walked, the way he laughed. He was perfect, there was nothing about him that wasn't perfect and I would keep saying that forever. He was like I wished to be, handsome, sweet, cute, he always helped others. He was just so beautiful and his personality was even more amazing.
I kept staring at him and suddenly heard a voice speaking to me.
'You really have to stay away from that George guy, he is actually gross.'
I looked at the boy talking to me and shrugged. I ignored him to look at George again and I suddenly got really conscious of the fact Sapnap was following where I was looking. I quickly looked away and looked at the boy again.
'What are you looking at?'
'Uh, a wall.'
'A wall?'
'I was zoned out.'
'What were you doing with George in the bathroom this morning? You have to stay away from that guy, I'm telling you now.'
'I just went to the bathroom to fix my hair and he came out of a stall.'
'He is gross, you find him gross too right?'
I thought about how amazing he looked and almost started smiling. 'He is just gay, it's not his fault.'
'Being gay is a choice and a disease. Are you gay or something? You seem not to care that much about that ugly faggot here.'
'I'm not uh- gay.' I felt my cheeks heating up completely and I looked down at my phone awkwardly.
'Are you sure about that? Why do you never call him gross then?'
'Uh- George uh- he is well- g-gross.'
The guy laughed and I grabbed my phone, standing up. 'I uh- have to change my books.'
Sapnap looked weirdly at me and he smiled as he saw me hastily looking at him. I quickly started walking off and I fell down on a bench a little further away. I sighed as I was happy to be gone there, but when I looked up my breathing seemed to stop. George was sitting in front of me and he smiled at me.
I smiled shyly back and started scratching my skin a little with my thumb. George stood up and walked towards me, sitting down next to me.
'Hi, are you okay?'
I smiled shyly and felt my cheeks heating up completely. I was really in love with him and I constantly kept blushing when he came close to me.
'I'm uh- f-fine.'
'Yeah, don't worry. Uh- you?'
'I'm good,' George said, smiling in an extremely cute way. 'I like your hoodie.'
I looked down at my blue hoodie and smiled. 'Do you?'
'It's my favourite colour.'
I smiled and kept looking at my hands. George seemed to notice that I was blushing and he giggled.
'Am I that scary?'
'Uh- n-no, it's uh- n-nothing.'
George giggled as the bell rang and he stood up. 'You can come and sit with me and Darryl if you want sometimes?'
'Uh- yeah m-maybe, thanks.'
George smiled as he walked off and left me alone as a blushing mess.
1062 words

Until I Met You
FanfictionAfter George accidentally outs himself in front of the popular and homophobic guys of the school everything seems fine at first. However, that soon changes when he receives weird and hurtful messages online, this soon escalates from just one message...