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-Mentions bullying/homophobia/abuse

Clay's POV

I stared at George's eyes and I smiled.

'I love you too,' George whispered.

'Come, Georgie. Get away from the bridge, we are going to sit down somewhere, okay? Then I'm going to call my sister.'

George grabbed my hand really tightly and he had tears rolling over his face. I smiled and I kissed his cheek softly, wiping away his tears. 'Do you actually love me, Clay?'

'I have proof, come,' I whispered as I grabbed his hand, pulling him with me. We walked to a bench where no one else was around, it was a bit hidden in the bushes. We sat down and I grabbed my bag, giving George the notebook which was full of his name. George opened it shyly and he started blushing brightly. He smiled and moved a little closer to me, resting his head on my shoulder.

I started blushing too now and I wrapped my arm around his shoulder as he rested his hand on my leg. 'You're cute,' George whispered as he closed the notebook he had.

'I'll call my sister, okay?'

George nodded as he cuddled up closer with me. I grabbed my phone and I called my sister.

'Hi Drista.'

'Hi, what's up?'

'I don't really know where to go. Uh- I'm with George and we aren't going back to school today, but I don't want mum to get mad at me.'

'I have an idea, but you have to dare to.'


'We can go to dad.'

'To dad? Would he want to?'

'I think he would love to. You need to help me walk though, maybe dad will pick me up.'

'Do you want to call him? I'm a bit scared.'

'Of course,' my sister said. 'See you soon.'


I hung up and I hugged George tightly. He smiled and looked up to me. 'May I ask something?'

'Of course.'

'Are you scared of your mum?'

I nodded slowly. 'She didn't help me when I took an overdose and she treats me like her slave. She apparently hit my dad and my dad left us behind, I just didn't know why he left us so I have been mad at him for years.'

'Aww, is this why you took the medication?'

'Yeah, my mum forced me to do everything in the house and my sister is really sick. I had to care for her and do anything in the house.'

'I'm so sorry, I wish I knew and I could have helped.'

'George, you are the reason I'm here. I'm so in love with you and you kept me going.'

George smiled at me and I heard my phone buzz. After I blocked the Discord account, I still had gotten multiple texts, but this time it wasn't a bully. It was my sister asking me where I was. I sent her my location and I looked at George after. My hand went up to his face and he smiled at me, just as I did to him.

My thumb started stroking his cheek softly and George started blushing. 'George?' I whispered.

He nodded slowly, smiling meanwhile.

'Would you be against the idea of uh- kissing?'

George giggled. 'Do you really think I'm against that after all those texts I sent?'

I smiled shyly. 'I mean, we are alone now.'

I felt my stomach fill with the most butterflies I had ever felt and I blushed like crazy.

'We are,' George giggled.

'I guess we should try then.'

George giggled as I started leaning in, just as he did. After a few seconds I felt George's lips against mine and I closed my eyes, holding him tight to my body. We kissed for just a few seconds, but it was enough to make us blush like crazy.

'Do you like kissing me?' I whispered shyly.

'I do, a lot,' George said with a big smile on his face.

'Can I kiss you again?'

'You can.'

I smiled and I pressed my lips on George's again, meanwhile smiling. I really slowly and softly pushed George down on the bench and I hugged him tightly as we kept kissing for a while. I had cupped his face as I rubbed his shirt softly meanwhile.

We kissed for a pretty long while and after that I pressed my forehead against his, pressing short kisses on his nose. I hugged him tightly and constantly looked up to kiss his cheek and lips.

'I love you,' I whispered as we hugged each other tightly.

'I love you too, Clay.'

George giggled shyly after that and we kissed each other's cheek again. We hugged for a very long while and after a little I looked at George.

'Can I ask you something?'

George nodded and answered by kissing my cheek.

'Uh- well, since we are both in love with each other, uh- do you want to be my boyfriend?'

George blushed and he nodded. 'I would love to be your boyfriend, I love you a lot.'

'Then that's finally official.'

We both giggled and we hugged again, I looked at George and smiled at him, pressing my lips on his for just a second. We cuddled up after, having my bag as our headrest. I was constantly kissing his forehead, cheeks and lips and after a while I saw a car arriving.

'Oh wait,' I muttered. 'They seem to stop here, is this for us?'

George shrugged. 'I have no idea. Do you want to go look or just cuddle?'

'They will come to me if they need to,' I giggled as I cuddled up with George again. He had his head resting on my chest and I kissed the top of his head as suddenly a man stepped out of the car. A man I slightly recognised, but not extremely well. I still stood up after a while and I saw the man's eyes filling with tears.

'Clay?' he whispered. 'Clay, I've missed you so much.'

And then the realisation hit me, this man was my dad.

1007 words

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