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-Mental breakdown

George's POV

The next morning I went to school early. I hadn't texted with Clay a lot anymore, because I wanted to make him feel as comfortable as possible. I didn't want to be too overwhelming for him. Although I did want to show him that I liked him a lot today. I would smile at him and maybe talk to him shortly if he wanted to.

I ran into the school and I walked to the place Clay was always sitting. I smiled as I saw him sitting, but I was shocked as I noticed in what state he was. He was paler than I had ever seen him, although his eyes were red. He looked really tired, he seemed to be in pain and he appeared to be crying.

I wanted to walk towards him, but I knew I promised to not talk in real life to him since he was closeted. I looked at Clay's hands which were shaking like crazy and I pitied him a lot. I really wanted to go to him and comfort him in my arms, just as he wished me to do.

Just as I wanted to walk closer Darryl ran towards me. 'Hi, George!'

'Hey,' I said smiling shortly.

'How have you been?'

'I've been doing okay, I came out to my parents yesterday and they made me feel really loved.'

'Aww, I'm proud of you!'

I smiled and I sat down on a bench in front of Clay and Sapnap. Clay started crying even harder now and Sap had an arm wrapped around him. I leaned forward a little to hear their conversation, but it was too quiet.

I looked back at Darryl and they were looking at Clay too. 'Is he okay?'

I shrugged. 'It doesn't look like he is, since he's crying.'

After a little while Clay stood up. He started walking away and Sapnap ran after him, but Clay pushed away. 'Leave me alone.'

Sapnap nodded understanding and he walked back to the place they were sitting. I couldn't resist anymore and I stood up, walking to Sapnap. He smiled at me and he tapped the bench to show I could sit down next to him. I sat down and nervously wiped my hands off on my trousers.

'This might be really weird, but I'm worried about Clay. Is he alright?'

Sapnap smiled shortly and shook his head. 'He isn't, I don't want to betray him though.'

'You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but can I help him in some way?'

'He might need a hug from you.'


'Probably, he's really sad. He needs someone, but he just doesn't want me to be with him at the moment.'

'I will go to him, where did he go?'

'The bathroom, I think.'

I nodded and I stood up, walking to the bathroom. I heard obvious and loud cries coming from one of the stalls and I knocked on the door. 'Clay, it's George. Can you come out of the stall?'

It was quiet for a little and then Clay opened the stall. I didn't say anything and I walked closer to him, opening my arms. Clay immediately let himself fall in my arms and he held me really tightly, showing that he needed me. His cries got even louder, it was honestly heartbreaking to hear.

'You're going to be okay, I promise you. I don't know what you're going through, but I'm here for you. You can always text me, you know that.'

He nodded really slowly and I had to resist myself from kissing his neck. Instead of kissing him, I ran my hand through his hair as I felt his tears fall down in my neck. He was completely breaking and I grabbed his hand. 'Let's go somewhere quieter, okay?'

Clay nodded slowly and we walked to a place where no one ever came. We sat down on the ground and I wrapped my arm around Clay, having him hide his face in my hoodie. I gave him a napkin to blow his nose with and wiped his tears away which he appreciated. After he cried in my arms for ten minutes long, he slowly looked up.

'Thank you so much for this. I'm sorry for crying, it's just all so unfair.'

'Unfortunately life is very unfair, I wish it wasn't.'

'My sister is going to die,' he suddenly whispered.

I pulled him even closer and I rubbed his back. 'That's indeed really unfair, Clay. I wish I could do anything to make you feel better, but all I can do is be here with you and comfort you as much as I can. Life is unfair and I bet your sister is an amazing person.'

Clay nodded and he lifted his knees up, he leaned more towards me and rested his knees down on my lap, curling up in a ball shape. I found him adorable and I rubbed his back as he rested his head against my chest.

I knew my heart was beating extremely fast now I was cuddling with Clay and I knew he could hear it, but still. He knew I was in love with him anyway, I just didn't dare saying it in real life and I thought he didn't dare to either.

We kept hugging and Clay had his eyes closed, making me realise he fell asleep in my arms. I smiled at him sleeping in my arms and I dared to kiss the top of his head. 'I will never dare to say this to you when you're awake, but I love you, Clay. I really do,' I whispered.

I knew he wouldn't hear me anyway and I smiled because I was still happy I said it.

Clay slept in my arms for half an hour, making me skip my first class for him. He woke up very confused, but he blushed brightly and smiled. 'Thanks for letting me sleep.'

'Of course, that's no problem,' I said blushing too. I fell really hard for him, I actually did.

1013 words

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