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-Mentions (cyber) bullying

George's POV

I walked downstairs slowly and I sighed deeply as I saw my mum and dad sit down on the couch. I sat down on the other couch and I was so nervous that I started sweating a little. I wiped my hands off on my trousers and I took a deep breath, looking at them.

'I want to tell you something. Last time something was off and I just found it really hard to say.'

My mum smiled at me and she stood up to sit down next to me. She grabbed my sweaty hand and smiled. 'I love you no matter what, sweetie.'

I sighed deeply and I looked down at my hands. 'This is actually way harder than I expected it to be.'

'Do you want some water?' my dad asked me.

I nodded since my whole mouth was dry and I waited for him to come back with my glass of water. I drank all of it and I looked down at my hands again.

'I've figured something out a year ago and recently I- well.'

'You can tell us,' my mum said, smiling at me.

'I figured out that uh- I like boys and I only like boys. I'm gay.'

It was quiet for a little and then my mum hugged me tightly. 'I'm so proud of you,' she whispered. 'That must have been so hard to tell us.'

I nodded and for some reason I bursted into tears. My mum held me tight and my dad joined our hug.

'I'm proud of you, George. We love you no matter what and we also support you no matter what. I don't care at all if you come home with a boy or a girl. If you're happy with a boy, I can only be happy for you,' my dad said.

I sniffed loudly and we broke the hug. 'I- I accidentally outed m-myself at school,' I whispered, wiping my tears away.

'Aww, honey. I'm so sorry to hear that, have people been a bit mean?'

I shrugged. 'It's not that bad, I'm just ashamed. I didn't really want to come out.'

'I understand, that's really hard,' my dad said. 'I'm proud you've trusted us.'

'Do you like someone?' my mum asked with a smile on her face.

'I do,' I whispered, looking down at my hands. 'We were going to come out at the same time so we wouldn't feel alone.'

'Is he also gay?'

'Yeah,' I whispered. 'He's going to come out to his best friend and I would come out to you. He's only really scared, because he only came out to me.'

'Does he like you too?' my dad grinned.

'Uh- well, he said he does.'

'So in a little when we suddenly see you inviting a boy over, he might be your boyfriend?'

'We aren't boyfriends,' I giggled shyly. 'I'm glad I told you, I finally don't have to hide my true self anymore.'

'You don't have to hide anything here. You can do whatever you want. Well, obviously not the bad things.'

I smiled. 'I appreciate that. If he is ready, can I invite him over for dinner once?'

'Of course, I would love to meet him. How does he look?'

'He's just really handsome,' I giggled. 'He has blonde hair, I think he has green eyes. He's really handsome.'

'Aww, are you in love?' my dad said teasingly.

'Uh- a little.'

'You're blushing,' my mum said.

I held my hands on my cheeks. 'I'm not.'

My dad laughed and pushed my shoulder softly. 'Go back to texting him, I have to clean the room.'

I rolled my eyes and I ran upstairs, grabbing my laptop again.

i came out to my parents, i was so nervous

Clay was online immediately again.

im proud

He didn't send anything else so I left it like that for a little. Before this I liked Clay a lot, but he really made me fall in love. I couldn't stop thinking about him anymore, he was amazing. I couldn't resist myself and I texted him again.

u made me fall for u so badly

i already fell for you ages ago

I smiled and I hid my face for a little. Clay was honestly amazing, I was falling harder for him each second now.

since i kinda trust u, can i tell something i havent told anyone?

ofc <3

since i came out, ur teammates have constantly been bullying me online. its hurting me a lot, cuz they constantly swear at me and spread weird and random pictures of me. as soon as i block them, they make a new account and im getting hate whole day long, its kinda breaking me, but i dont dare telling anyone

It took a long while for Clay to respond, probably because it was a long text.

oh no, im so sorry for that :(( im glad u trusted me, i hate my teammates, they are the reason im so scared to come out. i hope they will leave u alone and if not, ill get myself and sap to swear at them

they tell me to kill myself and honestly ur the only reason im still going. ur amazing and im in love with u, i wish to someday hold u as my boyfriend and kiss u as my boyfriend

i hope so too <3 I love you

that made me blush so much, is it weird to say that and mean it genuinely this quick? cuz I love you too <3

uve made me smile again

u can always tell me anything, im always here for u too, im thankful u didnt laugh at me when i told u i got bullied a lot cuz im gay

why would i laugh, i dont see how its funny to have the love of my life being bullied

awwww, ur gonna make me cry

maybe we can wait sometimes after school and meet up when we know for sure everyone left

sounds good to me :)

I smiled brightly as I closed my laptop. Clay made me smile again.

1039 words

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