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-(Cyber) bullying
-Mental breakdown

George's POV

When I came home I immediately locked myself in my room, grabbing my laptop. The fake account of Clay had been texting me still, but I hadn't replied of course. The real Clay had also been texting me, but after I confessed to him, I didn't dare texting him back either. He must have thought I was a complete fool, confessing my love to him when he never even spoke to me online.

I could still cry about it, I didn't dare talking about it. I would be made fun of for being this stupid. I clicked on the fake Clay's and mine chat and I started typing furiously.

stop pls, i know ur fake. i know ur just a bully, youve hurt me enough already, pls leave me alone

The bully was online immediately and he started typing after a minute.

pfft, took u long enough. ur worth nothing george, im not gonna be sparing u, ill give you two options, k?

pls leave me alone, u received ur goal. im broken enough now

option one, u will leave this school. i never wanna see ur ugly face here again. u go to a different school, we would never have to see each other again and i wouldnt be close to an ugly and dumb gay guy

pls stop

or option two, ill print screenshots of these conversations and ill fill the school with those pictures. everyone will know what things you said to the fake clay, including himself

u cant do this

make ur choice or it's automatically option two

why, why would u break me like this

cuz i hate u and its funny. its definitely funny for others to see how u said u would kiss clay as soon as u were alone

I broke down completely and I shut my laptop, curling up in a ball shape. Tears streamed down my face as I squeezed the sheets to have some sort of grip. I started screaming in my pillow, but it was so loud apparently that my mum ran in on me crying my eyes out.

She didn't even say anything, but she crawled next to me in my bed and she held me tight to her body, rubbing my back and her other hand through my hair.

'Calm down, sweetie. Calm down, I'm with you, you're not alone, honey.'

I hugged my mum back tightly and I sniffed loudly. 'I w-want to m-move schools.'

'But sweetie, that takes a lot of time and before we are able to do that the year is already over.'

'I have to,' I cried as I hid my face. 'Mum, I don't want this anymore.'

'Sweetie, what happened to you?'

'I can't tell you, you will laugh at me. I'm just so dumb, that's all I can and will say.'

'Does it have something to do with Clay?'

'How do you know?'

'I don't, but you like him a lot.'

I shrugged. 'Please, mum. Let me move schools, I have to. I promise you that I have to, it's better.'

'But honey, that takes time.'


'I will see what I can do, but you will have to finish this year. It's your last year in this school, sweetie. After this you will move schools.'

'I have to now,' I whispered.

'I will see what I can do, but again. I'm very sorry, but you can't immediately change schools.'

'You don't understand, mum. Please, help me.'

'Explain it to me.'

'You will get mad at me.'

'I won't, honey.'

'I told you I had been texting with Clay, right?'

My mum nodded.

'It wasn't Clay apparently, but someone who doesn't really like me.'

'Oh, sweetie.'

'I said really personal things and he's going to spread them in the school.'

'What things have you said?'

'I don't want to say, it's embarrassing and you will get mad.'

'I will never get mad.'

'I've texted all night with him yesterday evening and it just well- got a bit weird. I just thought Clay liked me too and that we were in love, okay?'

I remembered how I had said I wanted to touch him, kiss him and feel his body against mine. I remembered how the fake Clay said he wanted that too and how he loved me. That he would love me forever no matter what I did. I felt so loved and comfortable with him that I dared telling him my feelings. I told him all my feelings, bad things but also good things. The bully made the conversation switch to things to make it as embarrassing for me as possible if this would come out.

But I thought it was Clay, I thought we were both in love and I thought we wanted the same things. That we both wanted to touch each other and kiss when we could, but no. Clay didn't even know I liked him, Clay didn't even know I loved him before I told him.

I was just dumb, it had all been my fault. Of course it was my fault and I was sure everyone would think the same way. If Clay ever even liked me, I was sure he wouldn't after. Why would he still like me when I said these weird things about him? I told him how handsome and hot he was, how much I was waiting for the moment we could touch and kiss each other.

I couldn't handle my own thoughts anymore and I held my hands on my ears, crying my eyes out. My mum held me really tightly and I started kicking the bed out of anger. I was dumb and everyone would call me weird and dumb.

I was so stupid to believe it, but I was even more stupid to trust the person so much that I told him my personal life. Clay would be so weirded out by me saying way more than only those few things. He would hate me forever, just as everyone in the school would.

1021 words

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