stuck in a closet with you? .. great

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Draco’s pov:

I had looked around the3 burrow a few times before I was pushed into a closet and on top of something. Turns out that something is actually a someone.

“Ouch whoever you are get off me!” I know that voice I can tell it from anywhere.

“Hermione?” I said questioningly

“malfoy?” she spat. I hated it when she used my last name. It shames me to be a malfoy and just by her saying malfoy reminds me what a terrible person I was and what terrible people my family were and were involved in.  I couldn’t move I felt her stiffen up as I spoke again “hermione is that you?”

“yes malfoy it’s me now get off me I don’t think you want my ‘mudblood’ germs all over you do you? No I didn’t think so” I got up off of her and said “don’t say that hermione you are not a mudblood I don’t care about that stuff anymore I never did.”

“Well that’s not what you were saying 5 years ago”. ‘ouch that one did hurt my feelings a lot’

we sat in silence for about 10 minutes neither o of us saying or doing anything just us both sat on either side of the closet in silence. Thoughts were spinning around my head ‘why did you have to be a coward? Why did you leave her? Why didn’t you fight against your father? Why do you still call him farther even though he is rotting in a prison cell at the minute? Why did you ever let her go?’ that was the biggest one ‘why did I let her go?’ I was quickly brought out of my thoughts when hermione spoke “what happened five years ago? When we met at the library you seem changed and you helped me and you offered to stay with me to keep me company when you stopped ron from raping me and then you shouted at the pizza delivery guy and when you caught me from falling off the chair on to my arse when you were beating down the bathroom door when I fell asleep and you nearly ran into me but I slipped and ended up dragging you in when I fell into the bath, you were laughing like a genuine laugh .When you bought me that dress and changed your appearance at the summer ball just to throw me of course which I still don’t get and at Hogwarts when you were always there by my side and when we locked ginny and blaise in my room to get them together and then we had the game of truth and dare you were taken and then we came to save you but you turned a cold shoulder and basically turned back in to the cold heartless arrogant foul evil little cockroach I always thought you were? So what happened? Was it true what you said that you were just playing me seeing if I would fall for the slytherin princes charms because trust me it worked do you know how bad I felt after I felt like a complete and utter idiot. I went back to Hogwarts but professor McGonagall had noticed my dramatic change I wouldn’t turn up to lessons at all I wouldn’t eat professor McGonagall actually had to send me to st mungos ad then I got sent home I got sent home from Hogwarts my favourite school because I was that ashamed and heartbroken I couldn’t function properly because it was like a ton of bricks falling on me when you said that word to me. So I want to know what happened I want to know if what you said was the truth because I can tell that somewhere inside you no matter how much of a cold heartless bastard you portray yourself as I know that there is some good I you well I thought there was and that is why I gave you the chance but I guess I was wrong wants I ?you really are the cold heartless bastard that you portray yourself as you are just like your father a coward at that so please to tell me because me being a know-it-all mudblood is just itching to find out what happened” I thought about what she said I felt even more ashamed of myself and what I had done I hated it when she called herself that foul name. I didn’t care what she called me because it is out right true I am what she says I am I am a cold heartless bastard and I am… like my…. Father. That one stung the most it was the last thing I ever wanted her to think of me but she was right, I can’t argue that but I do have to explain myself to her for both our sakes. For my sanity ad hers. I took up a deep breath and began to explain my self “what happened five years ago was the biggest mistake of my life and I regret it every day I had changed but when my father’s death eaters  took me to the manor I couldn’t fight him. He was my father after all. He said that I either say that it was all a practical joke on you or I watch you get killed or I kill you myself I didn’t want that any of it except you I wanted you still want you. I’ve never once forget that summer holiday it was the best I’ve ever had. Because I spent it with you. Do you think I regret anything I did that summer because I don’t? I miss having you close to me like we did in Hogwarts I miss laying on the sofa reading with you. I duplicated and stored the memories one set is still I my head and the others are on a shelf back at my apartment, in muggle London because I don’t want to lose them and I say that that they are in my head well I can’t fit them in my heart because your I there you not anyone else just you hermione. And the reason I did all of this was because of my father I hated him I was scared of him I was a coward like all slytherins but this time I wasn’t scared of what he would do to me I was scared of what he would do to you. I would want to watch your death or be the person that kills you I never wanted that I hate myself I sit I my apartment and think about why I made the biggest mistake in my life but I came down to the conclusion that I was protecting you and I…” she cut me off and I can see why maybe I shouldn’t have said I was protecting her she ever was one for needing protection. “PROTECT? I DO NOT NEED YOU TO PROTECT ME DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY! I DONT NEED ANYONE TO PROTECT ME WETHER IT BE HARRY! RON! GINNY! I DO NOT NEED THEM TO PROTECT ME I AM I BIG GIRL I CAN LOOK AFTER MYSELF. I WENT OUT HUTIG HORCRUXES AND I MANAGED TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF AND HARRY AND RON AT THE SAME TIME! AD THESE PAST FIVE YEARS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN UP IN YOUR MANOR OR WHATEVER FEELING GUILTY WHILE IVE BEEN IN LONDON WORKING MY ARSE OFF TRYING TO FORGET YOU. DO YOU KNOW HOW FAR I WET I WENT OUT AD GOT ABSOLUTELY WASTED I COULDN’T EVEN REMEMBER MY OWN NAME AND I GOT REALLY MOUTHY WITH A GROUP OF DRUNKS AND FUNNY ENOUGH NEARLY GOT MY SELF RAPED AGAIN BECAUSE I COULDN’T KEEP MY KNOW IT ALL MOUTH SHUT BECAUSE I WAS HEART BROKEN STILL AND DO YOU KNOW WHO HELPED ME GET OUT OF THAT SITUATION? HMM DO YOU NO YOU DONT IT WAS BLAISE HE WAS ON HIS STAG AND HE SAVED ME AND TOOK ME BACK TO HIS AND GINNYS. GINNY AND BLAISE WERE BOTH FURIOUS AT ME FOR DOING SOMETHING SO STUPID. THEY ACTUALLY HAD TO STAY UP WITH ME ALL IGHT BECAUSE I WAS CRYING ALL NIGHT AND I WOULDN’T STOP I ENDED UP STAYING THERE FOR 3 DAYS NOW BECAUSE IM STILL THERE AND I FEEL AWFUL THAT IM IN THERE SPACE THEY ARE A YOUNG COUPLE IN LOVE THEY DONT NEED ME AROUND BUT THEY KEEP ME WHERE THEY CAN SEE ME BECAUSE THEY WANT TO HELP ME GET ON THE RIGHT TRACKS WHICH IS WHY THEY ARE FINDING SOME ONE TO PRETTY MUCH BABY SIT ME WHILE THEY ARE ON THEIR THREE WEEK HONEYMOON! I HAVE LASTED THIS LNG WITH OUT PROTECTION AND I HAVE ONLY BEEN OF THE RAILS THAT ONE TIME BECAUSE IT GOT TOO MUCH IT IS TOO MUCH FOR ME I ACTUALLY HATED YOU FOR HOW MUCH PAIN YOU HAVE PUT ME THROUGH EVERY NIGHT I DREAM ABOUT YOU AND I HATE IT I HATE YOU AND I HATE HOW YOU MAKE ME FEEL BUT I KNOW THAT UNDER ALL THAT HATE I KNOW I STILL LOVE YOU AND THAT IS WHAT PISSES ME OFF MORE THAN ANYTHING!” her tears were falling freely from her eyes as she turned around and punched the wall. I heard her shout in pain I went over to her ad crouched down next to her as she sunk down to the floor her knees up together and her crying into them her hand I guess was bleeding from the impact she had made in the wall her shoes were kicked off ad I thought about everything that she had said. All I wanted to do was cuddle her and tell her everything would be okay. I sat down fully next to her and was about to say something when the door opened our eyes adjusted to the light ad in popped blaise and ginny “have you too sorted it t yet?” I shook my head and looked back at hermione ginny noticed her hand “Hermione what happened to your hand im now getting sick of having to heal them!”

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