flashback still

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hey guys sorry for the wait but i have had mocks and assessments all this week hopefuly have rge next part on hrtr by tomotto. keep reading

Hermiones pov:

I woke early on Friday morning remembering that it was the day of the summer ball. I finally get to find out who is the mystery man behind the letters, dress and magical mystery rose that appeared. I looked at my watch it was half past eight. I decided to get a quick shower while draco was asleep. I didn’t even think that draco would be in the shower until I walked in on him in the shower singing. I screamed and so did he I quickly turned around and headed out of the bath room blushing furiously as I waited outside of the bathroom. I wasn’t able to get the image out of my head of draco in the shower. I closed my eyes and lent against what I thought was the wall but when I lent back I fell backwards as the door opened draco suddenly caught me before I hit the floor. He was only wearing his towel around his waist. We looked at each other and stood in an awkward silence. He went to walk away but I quickly grabbed his arm and spun him around to look at me “im sorry that I accidentally walked in on you in the shower I didn’t think that you would be up yet so I thought that I could grab a quick bath for my date tonight” I looked totally embarrassed and looked down at the floor I heard a soft voice say “its okay I thought the same thing hermione” he smiled at me I smiled back but had a confused look on my face. He then spoke again “I also have a date tonight” I looked at him. “well you kept that quiet didn’t you I expected you to be excited that you have a date for tonight who is she? where are you taking her?”

“im not telling you who she is but I am taking her to the summer ball tonight”

“can you atleast tell me who she is?”

“nope you will find out tonight at the ball”

“okay, you done in the bathroom I need a bath before tonight”

“yeah, no problem by the way you didn’t hear me singing did you?”

“no, I will have to get you to sing sometime on karaoke or some thing” he smirked at me before disappearing into the guest bedroom. I took one last look at him before running into my room and grabbing a towel. I ran back into the bathroom and stripped down before settling myself in the relaxing hot bath. I laid down to wash my hair and let myself shut my eyes for afew seconds. I was woken up by a loud banging noise on the door. I darted up and heard draco pounding his fists on the door shouting “hermione are you okay? Let me in? I swear I will open this door if you don’t open it” I got out and picked up my towel quicky wrapping it around me. I opened the door as draco was about to run into it, but instead of the door he ran into me I slipped on some water that I had spilt while getting out of the bathi took hold of whatever was in my reach which was draco, I took hold of the front of his shirt. We both fell and I ended up back in the bath but this time I had draco on top of me.we looked at eachother for a second before laughing hysterically. Fortunately I was still covered up. Draco got up off of me he was drenched aswell, he held out his hand to help me get out of the bath. “what were you doing in there? youve been in there for about 3 hours?”

“urmm I fell asleep. The water was so warm and relaxing I just drifted off”

“okay no problem I was just getting abit worried that something had happened to you that’s all”

“what time is it?”

he looked at his watch which was obviously waterproof “the time is half past eleven”

“okay thanks for helping me get out of the bath and for waking me up in a fashion”

“its okay hermione”

 He ran and got me another towel and then went into his own room to get changed. I made a quick list of everything that I had to do before my date tonight.


make up



and actually get there

I started to think about who it could be. I had hoped it would be draco but he already had a date. I guess he doesn’t feel the same way as I do, god if I had actually told him that I liked him he would have totally freaked out. I looked at the invite again I had to be ready for half past six.

I quickly got changed into a pair of black denim skinny jeans before casting a hair drying spell and running down stairs and pulling draco off of the sofa and out the front door with me. He looked at me confused “im taking you to my favourite café to have dinner seen as im hungry and im guessing you are?” he smiled at my spontaneous idea before saying “lead the way then”. I took him down to the end of my street and we turned left and down the road into the empty little coffee shop. We sat down in a booth “why do you like this place so much?”  I just shrugged and said “I dunno the coffees here are to die for and it is always quiet so during the holidays when I wasn’t at the library I was here reading”. A tall dark brunette woman walked up to us “hiya my name is laura, what can I get for you?” she said to draco. He looked at me and I said “two coffees please” she looked at me with disgust before turning back to draco fiddling with her hair “is there anything else you want? Anything at all?” draco was completely oblivious to the fact that she was flirting with him just said “no thanks love” I couldn’t contain my self any more I had to laugh “what are you laughing at hermione?”

“you” I said between laughs

“what? Why were you laughing at me?”

“you were completely oblivious to the fact that she was flirting with you. She was desperately trying to get your attention”

He just shrugged at me and then the waitress put our coffees on the table half of mine spilt out on to the saucer when she put mine down but she very carefully put dracos down. She then held out her hand to shake hands with draco. He looked at me I just shrugged and reached for my coffee. He shook her hand and ended up with a note in his hand. I took a sip of my coffee as did he while reading the note that laura had given him, a few seconds later the coffee he has sipped was sprayed on my face and down my front.


“Sorry hermione” he said handing me the note. I was shocked at what it said ‘you look likr you need a good ride then maybe I can help you get off’. And again I couldn’t resist the urge to laugh. Draco took the note off of me and ripped it up. “shall we get out of here?” I nodded unable to talk due to laughing too hard draco left the money on the table. We decided to go throught the woods. We sat under a tree for a while talking, not about anything important just talking about things we remember. Then draco asked me the question I had been dreading “what happened with ron? I kept meaning to ask you but I always forgot? If you don’t want to tell me I don’t mind o just don’t think you should be bottling it all up inside you and suffer in silence”

“ I’d rather not talk about it I cant stand Ronald anymore his chances with me was over when he kissed lavender” I looked at his watch and realised the time. Without a word to him I pulled draco up and ran back home. I managed to straighten my hair with out having to use the kitchen iron or magic. I slipped on my dress and shoes before doing my make up. I shouted draco to come and do my zip up for me, he did and he looked so HOT in his suit. I pushed that image out of my head. I quickly ran down stairs with my heels in my hand and out of the door to the hall where the ball was being held. I stopped just out side to put my shoes on and I made my way to the refreshments area where I stood for afew minutes with a drink looking round for draco when I was tapped on the shoulder. I took a deep breath preparing mysef for it to be someone who I have forgotten.

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