A game of truth and dare ends badly

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Dracos pov:

“okay so everyone knows how to play spin the bottle and truth and dare right?” everyone nodded at me “well the rules are if you pick truth you have to drink veritaserum answer the and then take a shot of fire whiskey just to be on the safe side that you are telling the truth okay?”

“drake mate we get it okay” blaise said

“LETS GET STARTED THEN!” ginny shouted putting her arms up in the air. The only thought that went through my mind was ‘oh god what have we let our selves in for tonight’. Then ginny spoke up again “right another rule. You two arnt heads you are draco and hermione not head boy and girl right!” pointing at us both. Hermione a nd me just smirked in response she then said “okay then who's starting?” nobody was brave enough to start so hermione just spun the bottle. It landed on blaise. “truth?....or dare?”

“dare” hermione thought about it for a couple of minutes before saying “okay zabini I dare you to walk into the slytherin common room and put a black mist bomb in the girls dormitory”

“okay be back in a few” he walked out of the common room and then popped his head back in. “where do I get a black mist bomb?” hermione darted to her room and came back out “here you gop zabini” and she passed one to blaise and then turned to ginny “I knew your brothers gave me them for a reason” she laughed. Blaise came in afew minuters later completely black. We all laughed at him “mate what happened you were supposed to throw it in the girls room not on yourself” I said while laughing “yeah well it blew up in my hands on the way down there” I burst out into laughter with hermione after a couple of seconds. He looked pleadingly at ginny who was trying really hard not to laugh at him. She stood up and went around to him and with a flick of her wand he was cleaned again. I lent over towards hermione and whispered in her ear “you knew it would blow up didn’t you” she turned to look at me and smirked. A malfoy worthy smirk, it was nearly as good as mine. I couldn’t resist I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. Her lips were always soft and moist, and normally a pinkie red colour after I had kissed her. We were still kissing when ginny threw a pillow at us both and we broke apart. “Sorry gin” hermione said while smirking and blushing furiously. Blaise spun the bottle and it landed on ginny. “Truth or dare babe?” blaise said at ginny. “dare!” blaise thought about it for a minute then grinned “I dare you to run around the castle with your top off” I never would have thought it but ginny actually stood up and took her top off and threw it at blaise and said “be back in a few” . Ginny walked back in about 5 minutes later, and went to grab her top when blaise moved in front of her knocking the firewhiskey on to it. He picked it up and shook it out near the fire only then for it to catch on fire. My mouth was hanging open and hermione was cringing when she looked towards ginny “BLAISE! That was my favourite top!”

“sorry ginny” he looked guiltily at her.

“hermione can I borrow one of your tops please?” hermione smiled and nodded and went to get up when blaise said “its okay hermione. Ginny can wear my top I ruined hers so she can have mine instead. I don’t mind” hermione came back to sit next to me while blaise took his top off and gave it to ginny who put it on. it was massive on her. We all sat down again and ginny spun the bottle. It landed on me. ‘holy crap I am in so much trouble now either way’ ginny said “truth or dare malfoy?” I thought and weighed out the pros and cons “truth” a wide grin spread across ginnys face. ‘NOT GOOD!’ was what the voice in my head was saying and alarm bells were going off. “damn we don’t have any veritaserum… ah well. Blaise knows most of the things about you” she said. I nodded. “okay then draco how long have you fancied hermione?”. I went quiet thinking about it. “a while” I replied blaise scoffed “puh-lease” ginny raised and eyebrow. “what was that about blaise?” 

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