the first day of three weeks

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Hermiones pov:

I cried myself to sleep last night I was ad am still I love with him and I hated myself for it. I also know that he is the one who can put me on the straight and narrow and again I hate it but I just know that I need him I need him I my life to keep me at a sane level whether it is us being together or if it is us not being together but at least being friends again. I think that I should try to be friends with him not a couple but at least friends. But I don’t want to lead him on or anything. I decided to get up and have a shower I looked out of the door and saw draco sprawled out on the sofa one arm draped on the floor and the other over his eyes and his blanket had been pushed off on to the floor showing his pyjamas which were basically black and white checked pyjama trousers and a long sleeved green top. I silently walked over and put the blanket over him again. I smiled at his sleeping figure and went to the bath room to take a shower I was in there for about 15 minutes just letting the water run over me. It was like peace and heaven, until there was a banging on the door “hermione?!?!?!”

“yes draco?”

“what are you doing?”

“im having a shower”

“right can I come in for a minute I just need to tell you something ?”

“can’t you tell me outside?”

“not really”

“fine come in just give me a minute to grab my towel” but by the time I had finished he had come in and was holding my towel through the curtain for me

“here you go”

“thanks so what is so important that you had to get me out of that amazing shower?” he laughed abit probably because I just said that his shower was amazing.

“I thought that I should pre warn you that my mother is coming round and is likely that she will be sleeping over for a couple of nights” when I heard his mother was coming round to stat I tried to get out of the shower with the towel o but I slipped and fell forwards straight on top of him. We hit the ground with a thud I cringed because I realised that he had fallen straight on his back “sorry im abit clumsy” he tried to get his breath “I-its f-f-fine j...Just .let me …. g..get b b breath b back” I got off of him and he sat up I was sat on my knees next to him still wrapped in his towel before saying “sorry you okay?” he looked at me

“yeah im fine no worries o harm done is there im fine” I smiled and he stood up offering me a hand to help me up. “so when is your mother going to be here because I still need to pick up some clothes from my house?”

“she should be here any time now and we don’t because I asked my mother to bring some of her old clothes that might fit you for now so we can go and pick up some stuff for you tomorrow cause u can use magic to clean your teeth or I have a spare tooth brush and just for the record my mother was very confused as to why I wanted some of her old clothes I think she might think I want them for me and u can borrow some of my friends daughters underwear if you want it is new I promise you she comes over and stays sometimes” I raised my eye brows “no not like that I sleep on the sofa n she stays I my room its normally when her mum wants to go out on the piss or to just shag everything in London like she did I Hogwarts” he said it very fast I ended up laughing “I know I was joking I know you wouldn’t do anything like that ad can I hazard a guess that this friend is pansy?”

“yeah the one and only” he rolled his eyes “ she still clings on to me and her daughter finds it absolutely hilarious that her mum doesn’t even realise that im not interested I her.”

“What’s her daughter called?”


“it’s a lovely name. when will your mother be here again and does she still care about blood status?” just as I finished there was a crack that scared both me ad draco and he jumped in front of me as if he was shielding me from whatever it was his wand pointed ready to defend or attack whoever it was.

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