flash back still

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Part 4

Hey guys I hope you’re enjoying it please tell me if you are or not or if you have any ideas to make it better. Btw the next possibly 2 chapters are still in flash back to the summer holidays.

Draco’s pov:

I woke up in a darting shock as I heard an ear splitting scream come from down stairs, it was only then when I started to worry about where I was and then I remembered that I was in Hermione’s bed in her room and then it dawned on me where’s hermione?

I ran downstairs thinking that the shrill high pitched scream I heard was hers. I raced down the stairs, my feet hit the cold hard floor and I jumped up and down while making my way to the living room where I found hermione on her back groaning. I walked up to her and held out my hand she took it and I pulled her up, before saying “what on earth happened down here while I was asleep?” she looked towards the shelves, I saw a chair. I put two and two together and realised that she had fallen off the chair and on to her back on the floor. I looked at her she was looking at the floor while blushing. I couldn’t contain it I started to smirk which turned into a smile which then turned in to a laugh, she looked at me like I was crazy until she began to grin and then we both laughed for a while before settling down on the sofa for a while. I glanced up at hermione. She had her head rested on the back of the sofa. I was curious to what she was thinking I was just about to ask when she spoke first “what are you staring at I can feel your eyes burning holes in the side of my head” and with that she opened her eyes and brought her head forward and smiled at me. “What were you looking at?” I looked dreamily at her before saying “you”. She tilted her head to the side looking at me as if she was surveying me with a questioning look on her face “why?” I thought about it for a couple of minutes I couldn’t tell her how I feel could I? What if she doesn’t feel the same? What if I slip up and make her mad at me? Oh god I have never got this worked up over a girl before. But then again hermione isn’t just ‘a girl’ she was special. I looked at her and new that I couldn’t say it I would get my words muddled up. I decided not to say anything. “nothing you just looked peaceful that’s all I was wondering if you were asleep” she chuckled lightly before saying “no  I’m not asleep, I’m going to go and get dressed now” she pulled herself up off of the sofa and she walked through the hall and up the stairs.

Hermione’s pov:

Omg I can’t believe he was staring at me. When I asked what he was looking at I was secretly hoping he would say me and he did and then when I asked why she would come out with something completely romantic, but he didn’t. Well maybe he doesn’t think of you like that hermione I told myself. I got changed into a tight black vest top and a pair of skinny black jeans and I put my converse sneakers on as well I brushed my hair and teeth and washed my face. I went to walk down stairs when an owl tapped its beak on my window. I turned towards it and it dropped a parcel and a letter on my bed. I picked it up curiously before walking downstairs and putting the parcel and letter on the table before turning to see Draco in the kitchen getting himself a coffee. He smiled at me and then walked back into the living room. I looked at the parcel again before turning back to make myself a cup of coffee as well and I then turned to pick up the parcel and letter to open but there was something different this time. There was a crystal red rose laid on top of it. The rose was so delicate it was expertly made with small fingers to make it.  I moved it on to the mantel piece above the fire place, just before falling on to the sofa next to Draco. He looked at me intrigued before saying “what you got?” and taking a sip of his coffee. I thought for a minute before shrugging and saying “I don’t know but i1ll have to find out” he nodded at me and watched as I opened the letter first :

Dear Hermione,

                                your eyes are dark yet they light up the room when you smile, your hair is big and bushy but suits you perfectly. You are so smart it is unbelievable. You don’t give yourself enough credit. You are beautiful. You have got both beauty and brains. You don’t care what people think about you. You have got one hell of a right hook which nobody wants to get on the wrong side of even though I have seen it happen before. Your beauty is hidden yet it shines out of you. Your wit is amazing as well as your smile.

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