Summer Holidays

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Hermione's pov:

my holidays were amazing I met this lad and we spent most of the holidays together it was amazing the only problem was that it was Draco malfoy I had always had a slight crush on him but ever since third year when I punched him I don't know it just feels like he is part of me I got his blood on my hands that year and also at the war I saved him from being cremated earlier than he would want to be. But I think that I loved him it is weird because I know I should hate him but it don't and people do always say that the line between love and hate is a very thin one. Any way I am so happy to be back at Hogwarts. Me Ginny Luna lavender and pavarti are sat lounging under a tree near the black lake, we were all just talking about our summer holidays and what we had been doing and a couple of us had had summer flings so we were spilling the beans about that at the moment lavender what talking about a certain red head that had caught her eye again like in firth year. Yes she had a crush on Ron again. I thought I heard someone shout my name so I looked around but the only people around was a bunch of slytherin lads that consisted of Gregory guile, Vincent Crabbe, blaise zabini and Draco malfoy. Malfoy looked at me and smirked. I turned back to the girls blushing, they were all looking at me and I looked at them confused then Ginny enlightened me "how was your summer ?did you have a fling as well or were you the same old well behaved hermione jean granger we all know and love?" I thought about it for a second and then glanced over to the slytherin lads and said "yeah I had a summer fling" I said with a smirk on my face the girls started to giggle and then lavender was the first to say "who was it ? Do we know them? Are they wizard or muggle? Do they come to this school? What happened tell us" I began to giggle as something so simple could make them act this way. "yes you know him and he is a wizard he comes to this schooland im not telling you who it was or what happened"

Draco's pov:

me blaise Crabbe and goyle were all sat under a tree near the black lake. I saw a group of Gryffindor girls Ginny weasely, lavender brown and pavarti patil. I saw granger quickly glance over at me blaise and the boys I smirked at her and gave her a quick wink before she blushed and turned back to the girls. Blaise looked at me. I stared back with a dumb confused look on my face. "what?" it was then I realised that all of the lads were looking at me. "mate are you okay ? we just asked you about your summer holidays? Did you have a fling?" I smiled and said "I had a fling" blaise looked more eager and interested in the topic of my summer fling. "so who was she? Was she hot? What did you do? Did you screw her? Do we know her? Does she go to this school? Is she pureblood?". I started to laugh at him. Why did he want to know all of these things? Hmm I smirked at the fact that the lads wanted to know everything about my holidays. I did have a fling but to me it felt more than 'just a fling' it felt real and it felt right. Of course I wouldn't tell her that. What if she didn't feel the same? What if she didn't like me at all and she was just playing games?. I smiled to myself and answered blaises questions "she does go to this school... in my opinion she is but probably not in yours.. no I didn't screw her.. and she is a muggle born". Crabbe and goyle looked at me in shock. While blaise was sat smirking. "So which house is she in? is she in our year? I bet it was a ravenclaw". I thought about it and glanced back at the group of girls and said "im not telling you which house she is in but yes she is in our year". I then looked back at the lads. And then towards the black lake. The memories of the summer had come flooding back to me.....

Hey guys this is my 2nd attempt my first is still in progress :/ and I think its failing lol. Any way opinions please J

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