blaise and ginnys wedding

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Dracos pov:

I love her you know. Even now. I still love her, I made the biggest mistake of my life the day that I said what I did. I have always loved her and still do. I know I sound like a broken record now going over and over again about how much I love her and yet I made the wrong choice and now I have to live with it. The manor was empty now my father was in Azkaban awaiting his trial. My mother couldn’t stay in the manor she was staying with Aunt Andromeda. It was the day of the wedding. I was just about ready in my black dress robes I picked up the card I got them I had put some money in it for them. I apperated to blaise's place and saw ginny first she looked amazing. Her hair was straight and reached halfway down her back. Her makeup was Smokey eye shadow with a subtle nude colour on her lips. Her dress was a tight corset top that flowed down to the ground it had a slytherin green sash around it and green jewels around the top of the corset. I cleared my throat and she turned around. “Hey malfoy” she said I nodded “you can call me draco you know weaslette….wow I won’t be calling you that for much longer will I?” I joked she laughed along with me “yeah draco your right you won’t. Blaise is in the next room by the way” I nodded and gave her the card before walking out and into blaises room he was talking to hermione. My knees felt like they were jelly she looked stunning. Her hair was straight like Ginny’s and looked so soft. She was wearing a green dress that matches Ginny’s sash it came halfway down her thighs and she had a red rose on the top of her dress that matched the one she was currently putting on blaise to make him look that little bit smarter. I cleared my throat again and they turned to look at me blaise looked happy and hermione looked shocked and abit nervous. Blaise then said something along the lines of this is gonna be awkward. “Well it’s time now blaise no backing out now” she said. He made way to the door and stepped out. I and hermione both set towards the door at the same time. I stopped so she could go first just as she stepped forward blaise popped is head back round the door scaring hermione slightly “oh yeah by the way me and gin agreed that we don’t want the first dance on our own so the best man and the maid of honour are going to join in as well which is use two so be nice im sure you can both handle that? Now come on im getting married” I looked towards hermione as she said “yeah I can handle that can you malfoy? Honestly and no lies malfoy” I looked at her I knew she was right I did lie to her. “Yeah I can deal with being nice to hermione” I smiled at her. Me and blaise then went to wait at the alter for ginny. Blaise was getting nervous and was starting to mumble things like “what if she doesn’t go through with it? What if it lasts a month and then it breaks? What if…” I cut him off “what if you shut up just in time to see your beautiful future wife walk down the aisle?” he just up and turned to face the aisle in which ginny was walking down, hermione and Luna trailing behind her.

the minister then started his speech  until it got to the I do's.

“Do you blaise zabini take ginevra molly weasley  to be your wife – to live together after God’s ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?” blaise nodded “yes I do I will forever as long as she lets me” the room erupted with ‘aww's’ from all the women. The minister turned to ginny then and said the same thing “Do you ginevra molly weasley take blaise zabini to be your husband – to live together after God’s ordinance – in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?” she looked like she was thinking about it. I could see blaise tense up and people took in a deep breath, ginny started to giggle “of course I will I wouldn’t have gone this far to just say no now would I ?” blaise smiled at her. And they kissed as the minister told them to. I looked by the happy couple to see hermione have a half-hearted smile on her face they then descended down the aisle.  Everyone followed out clapping and throwing confetti over their heads as we all headed to the burrow for the after party. It was magnificent there was a large red and green tent set up with loud music playing the whole tent was full of laughter and happiness. I walked over to blaise ginny and hermione. “Congratulations guys and well done blaise I told you that you could do a lot better than pansy did I not and now you have got one of the top girls in the wizarding world.” I clapped him on the back. “Yeah and now we just need to get you dating again” he smirked back at me. “Nah mate im not ready yet” the girls had left us at some point and blaise said “you still love her don’t you?” I nodded “yeah I love her with all my heart I didn’t mean what I said back in malfoy manor all them years ago I never wanted to break her heart but it was her heart or her life and come on lets be fair I wasn’t ever good enough for her anyway now was I?” blaise just shrugged at me “I don’t know mate but I can tell you this a few nights she stayed at mine and Ginny’s and she was talking about you in her sleep i know she still loves you even if she won’t admit it” I nodded at him

Hermiones pov:

I looked towards draco. How on earth can I still love him after he broke my heart. He acted like he cared and then shattered it into a million tiny little pieces for people to stand on. it is so hard to see the person you were are still in love with act so distant’ I thought to myself before ginny interrupted my thoughts “hermione did blaise tell you that you and draco are sharing the first dance with us?” I nodded “urmm yeah he did gin, and anyway congratulations im so happy for you and I always did say that you would be the first out of us to get married did I not?” she sighed in defeat “yes mione you did because you’re the brightest witch of our age” she said in a mimicry voice I was about to retaliate when we heard tapping on the microphone I heard ginny mumble “oh god now what is he doing?” blaise tapped it again to make sure he had everyone’s attention “it is time for the first dance. But because me and gin like to do things differently we have asked out best man draco malfoy and our maid of honour hermione granger to dance with us so that we aren’t dancing on our own because let’s face it apparently im like ‘bambi on ice’ when it comes down to dancing according to our favourite muggle-born hermione granger so with that lets start shall we” I blushed at what he had said but quickly snapped out of it when I saw a pale white hand stretched out towards me. Draco. I took it and we danced along to the song moment for life. This instantly reminded me of the night we got together. Tears began to sting my eyes we had been dancing for a couple of minutes when I couldn’t old it back anymore I took my self away from Draco’s position and fled from the tent. I went into the burrow and sat in a cupboard and cried until I heard shouting outside the door and I opened the door my wand at the ready which was quickly snatched away from me as a person was pushed into the cupboard on top of me. “ouch whoever you are get off of me now !” I snapped then a confused voice replied “hermione?”


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