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Draco’s pov:

Just I held my breath, and shut my eyes. Just waiting for the word to slide from his mouth. I hoped I was strong enough to take this one this time. “CRUICO” I fell to the floor. The pain was excruciating. I was clutching my chest writhing on the floor. My very own father had left me on my own in the middle of my bedroom floor. I was limp. Every part of my body was filled with pain. Tears were streaming down my face. I laid there for a good five minutes before even attempting to move towards my bag.  I was only able to grasp my wand that I had placed on the top of my bag. I stood up painfully and with all my strength I apperated to Hermione’s house. She jumped in shock when I apperated behind her on the landing at the top of the stairs. She turned around looking scared of whom it was but her face changed almost instantly when she saw me cuts up my arms and am sure that I had some on my chest. She stepped forward. As she did my sight went blurry and I remember dropping my wand and falling forward. I can’t help but think I fell on top of her just before the darkness took over me.

Hermione’s pov:

I jumped as I heard a crack of someone apperating behind me. I turned around wearily but I fell shocked as I saw Draco stood there. Cuts up his arms few grazes on his face as well as tear stains which ran down his pale soft face. The colour of the blood had gone into his hair. He looked at me drained mentally and physically, I took a small step towards him. Just as I did he fell on top of me. I know it wasn’t intentional. But he was a lot heavier than what he looked. I finally managed to push him off me and I composed myself I rolled up my sleeves and put my hair up in a tight bobble to prevent it from falling out while I sorted Draco out. I used the levitation spell to lift him up and into my room and on my red bed sheets. I grabbed a spell book and looked at healing spells. I managed to get rid of most of them. I looked at his shirt there was still too much blood for the cuts that I had got rid of. I took a deep soothing breath and mumbled “sorry Draco” to the passed out body of Draco malfoy.  I lifted his shirt to see the words death eater. Wrote in very neat curvy handwriting where his heart was. I looked down and my left for arm remembering what the pain had been like and knowing exactly how he felt. The memory came back to me. I shivered at the thought of it. A few tears left my eyes I pulled his top back down not being able to know it was there. Draco began to wake up. I placed my cod small hand on to his hard pale cold stomach. I watched over him with big brown eyes as his scared silver ones fluttered open.

Draco’s pov:

I stirred in my sleep and opened my eyes and jumped slightly. I saw a pair of big beautiful brown eyes looking down smiling at me. I moved my fairy large hand on top of her small delicate one which was placed on my hard bare stomach. I smiled back at her. I utched myself up as she began to move backwards away from me. I looked up at her and she stood up sad looking. I was the first to break the silence “hermione what’s wrong? Has something happened?” she looked back at me with a guilty look in her eyes and a sad but scared expression on her face “hermione what is it?” she helped me to stand up and she walked me to the middle of her room and she pulled the bottom of my shirt and I smirked at her “if you wanted my top off you could have just asked?” I said it in a jokey voice so hopefully she took it that way. I saw her blush a little so I guess she did. I took my top off realising that I had no scars on my arms or face. I had a little left over blood in my white hair but I could deal with that. I looked back at hermione who walked me over to her mirror and showed me my chest. I had seen it many times before but this time it was different I had the words death eater carved into it above my heart.  I had been a death eater but over the war I had decided it wasn’t worth it I saw how wrong I was to become a death eater, if I could I would take it back I would take everything back but I can’t. I lifted my hand to where it was and ran my fingers over it. I glanced at hermione and she was doing the same but over her left arm where my aunt had left the word ‘mudblood’ permanently stained in her smooth skin. She noticed me looking at her she was still holding my top so I went to take it off of her she moved back and held it out of my reach. I smirked at her and went to grab it again but grabbed her wrist instead. I thought it was close enough so I pulled her by her wrist in to me I tried to get my top off of her but she held on with a good grip. I smirked and she giggled “come on give me my shirt back hermione” I said with a smile she smirked at me and said “what if I don’t want to? Besides it needs washing.” I smiled at her and said “well if you haven’t realised I don’t have anything else to wear” she thought for a moment before going in to one of her draws and pulling out a large black top with a guitar on it and ‘hard rock café’ written on it. She threw it at me and smiled. She walked out of the room. I put it on and it fit me I went down stairs shortly after her in to the kitchen and she threw my top into a washing machine and she put in some other liquids. I stood at the door frame and watched as she did so. She turned around and jumped as she probably didn’t expect me to be stood there. “Thanks for the top hermione. Is it potter or weasely?” she smiled at me “it’s neither” “who’s is it then? If it’s not harry or Rons?” she began to start giggling “it’s mine”. I looked at her in shock. She started to laugh at my expression. “What? No way you aren’t big enough to fill this top” she shook her head and said “your right am not I wear it as a night dress most of the time or as a top with some trackies for bed speaking of which you can have mine tonight I’ll finish getting the guest room finished tomorrow I’ll sleep on the sofa tonight” she then walked pass me and up to her room before I could reply. I walked up stairs and into her room not even thinking to knock I just walked in and she had just taken her top off revealing her green and silver bra just as I had walked in she turned around and I shot out of her bed room and down stairs into the living room. I couldn’t believe what I had just seen. Hermione granger wearing the slytherin house colours.  

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