in the tower

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sorry again guiys about the wait im having on n off exams n people messing me about anyway comment or vote please :D

We stood there in silence. Me and draco on one side of the room and ginny and blaise on the other. I hesitantly took a step towards ginny “Ginny im so..”

“how could you hermione?” hermione looked at the floor “im sorry ginny” hermione stayed looking at the floor. “how could you have a fling with the slytherin prince hermione?... and not tell me about it I cant believe you” ginny was smiling and ran to he best friend wrapping her in a tight embrace . hermione had started to cry and was sobbing into ginnys shoulder “im sorry gin im so sorry. We were going to tell you…. I promise you I wont keep anything else from you” ginny pulled back to look at her best friend and said “hermione you don’t seriously think that I was upset do you? I would never be upset with you over this as long as he looks after you?” she looked past hermione and at draco “otherwise there will be a few hexes flying his way” draco looked at her wide eyed. Blaise was chuckling behind draco as he came up in front of him he slapped draco on the back “so when were you gonna tell me? hmm that hermione is you summer fling?” draco looked at the floor “ I dunno mate we were sorta waiting for the right time to tell you all” blaise smiled at his mate and shrugged. “well at least you are happy draco. But you listen to me draco Lucius malfoy next time you had better tell me and just for the record im with ginevra on this one I know me and hermione have never seen eye to eye but I can tell you she is a special girl so don’t fuck it up okay?” draco looked at his best friend with shock struck eyes and said “okay no problem I know that im not going to fuck it up with mione. I love her blaise. She is my life now and I have changed and I think that the rest of slytherin should as well” blaise nodded in agreement.

Heads common room

Dracos pov:

Me and hermione lounged about on the sofa in our common room reading. Hermione’s head was laid across my chest. I played with her hair while I read my book and she read hers. It was quiet and peaceful until there was a loud sudden banging on the door. Me and hermione both nearly jumped out of our skins hermione looked at me with a confused expression I just shrugged and went to the door. I took out my wand and opened the door, when I saw a rush of red hair fly by my face and run straight to hermione. It was ginny. I saw hermione hug ginny the mouth ‘we’ll be in my room’ I nodded and went to shut the door when there was another figure walking up towards the door. Blaise. He had a guilty look on his face and I motioned for him to come in while thinking ‘ginny crying and blaise looking guilty that doesn’t seem so good’ he sat down on the sofa. “whats up mate?” he looked at me and then to the floor and mumbled something I strained to hear what he said “what did you say mate?”  he muttered it again which was abit more audible but I still couldn’t understand “blaise man for god sake stop mumbling and just tell me!”

“I KISSED GINNY”. Okay I wasn’t expecting that. I looked at blaise who was now bent over holding his head in his hands. “its okay mate what happened?”


blaises pov:

Draco and hermione had gone to their common room leaving me and ginny alone in the tower. Ginny sighed as she went to the window to look out of the window of the tower, watching the sunset. The wind blew in her hair. I went and stood beside her. She looked at me and said “haven’t you got some slytherin girl to go screw?” I was actually abit offended by that. But I just said “no actually I don’t and for your information I never have I know you all think im like draco but im not I do actually respect girls”

“oh sorry” she looked down and then pulled herself up onto the window ledge and then swung her legs over. I put my arms out ready to catch her if she should fall. She smiled at me “come on then”

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