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Part 15

Omg he said it he said he loves me what am I going to do? I don’t know if I love him. Should i love him? I did at one point….is that love still there? If I didn’t love him would i have let him kiss me? I don’t know I don’t know a lot any more. Im so confused.

“okay hermione don’t get yourself worked up over this you are a rash and reasonable and sane person do not let draco malfoy make you lose it”

“hunny I think you’ve already lost it your talking to yourself” I shook my head and looked back up at draco. He looked down at me with a very serious look on his face “hermione I love you I always have what happened at the manor with my father and me calling you a mudblood and saying that it was a lie everything we had and that i didn’t love you it was all a lie I did love you still love you I never stopped and every day It was like being hit with the crutiatous curse when I knew that you were probably happy with someone else and that I knew because of what my father did I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you again in case he ever did anything to harm you in any way I would rather you be safe and away from me than with me and in constant danger of being killed. I know its no excuse but if you love someone as in really love them you let them go and that is what I did but its only now that I realise that I was a selfish git and I have never wanted to share anything with anyone especially when it belonged to me you belonged to me and now I don’t want to share you with anyone.”

“I do not belong to you draco malfoy. I do not belong to anyone you of all people should know that”

“I know and I didn’t mean for it to come out like that I didn’t mean anyof it any f what happened at malf…” I cut in.

“you had a choice you could have stayed with me you always have a choice you could have fought your father but then again I wouldn’t want you disappointing your dad would I so obviously I don’t mean as much to you as we thought I did” I turned to walk away from him.

Draco’s pov:

I loved her I loved her with all my heart I said the wrong thing well that’s my life story. I have to make it right I love her and I can’t lose her again. It would finish and kill me this time. I wanted her to me so no one else can have her so I did the first thing that came to my head. She turned to walk away I grabbed her wrist and spun her so she was facing me. I was on one knee any way so I took off my slytherin ring and held it towards her and said “hermione I want to show you how much you mean to me and how much I love you….I know I have been a git in my life and I know that im not worthy of you but I sincerely do love you and want to make you happy so will you marry me?”

hey sorry its been such a long wait even im disappointed in my self i thought i would have this finished a while ago i had abit of a writers block and then i had exams for my gcse's as well as fall outs with friends i just couldnt find the time and im also sorry about the length of this chapter comment please xx

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