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Hey guys this is part two this is in the past over the summer holidays what happened between Hermione and draco and how did it happen? sorry for any spelling mistakes. it was late at night wen i wrote this



Dracos pov:

It was the first day of the holidays and I was already sick of my parents I was pottering about up in my room when I heard them arguing again. The war had ended. My father kept reminding me and my mother that we were malfoys and malfoys never regret what they do… yet regret is the only thing on my mind. I decided to go out.. but where? I decided to go to muggle London. There was a library there that I always enjoyed going in to the books that were there were amazing as well as a certain girl I had my eye on. She was so beautiful. Deep dark chocolate brown eyes and her lips were always pink her hair always dangled in loose curls. It was Hermione granger. The brains of the golden trio. The mud blood I have bullied since I first laid eyes on her. The only person who had the guts to actually punch me. I finally came out of my thoughts. My parents were still arguing. I don’t even know what it was about but I just leave them to it. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of my father’s temper but I don’t want my mother to either. She was a lot stronger than any woman I know. I grabbed my jacket and apperated out of my room and in to a small dark alley way which was located behind the library. I went to grab the door just as some one else did. It was her. Hermione.

Hermione’s pov :

My parents were on holiday and I was all alone in the house they had forgotten that I was coming home for the summer holidays and they booked a cruise for most of them. I was sat in my bed wide awake yet I was tired at the same time. I decided to get up and go to the library. I loved the library. I loved the smell of it. There was also a lad that was there that I have liked for a while. He doesn’t like me. I know he doesn’t. he always calls me mud blood even though he doesn’t really know me he only knows my blood type. It was draco malfoy. I don’t even know why I like him. He has always been a complete twat to me. But he changed during the war he doesn’t look the same any more his features were more defined and they weren’t as hard. His eyes were mesmerizing the way that they shined.  His hair wasn’t slicked back anymore it fell loosely over his face. I got up out of my thoughts and I got dressed just in a simple black vest top and jeans with my converse on.  Just my scruffs. I then walked to the lirbrary. I went to grab the door at the same time as him. Draco malfoy.

No ones pov:

draco and hermione both snatched their hands back. Hermione looked at the ground with red blush emerging from her smooth cheeks. Draco smied at her as she glanced up at him through her eye lashes. Draco opened the door to the library and let hermione go in first and followed her in she thanked him and then walked off quicky to find the book she was after. Draco found his book and went to the counter to borrow it but again he bumped into hermione who was carrying 3 books that looked very heavy. He let her check hers out first and then checked his own out he then headed to the door with his book in his hand to see hermione struggling with the door and books, he smiled to himself and walked over to her to give her a hand he took the top 2 books off of her and opened the door. She smiled at him and blushed “thank you malfoy” he smiled back and replied “no problem hermione do you want help carrying these?” she looked at him in utter shock he had said her name and not called her a ‘mudblood’ or addressed her by her last name. she hadn’t realised that she had been stood with her mouth gaping open until draco used his index finger to close it while saying “we don’t want you to start catching flies do we granger? So do you want help carrying these?” she nodded and walked infont of him to show him the way.  He walked be hind her but sped up abit so that he was at the same pace as her. “so do you live with your parents? “ he tried to break the silence she nodded “yeah I do but they sorta forgot about me coming home these holidays and have gone on a luxurious cruise together” draco looked at her with sadness in her eyes. It was a while before he spoke again but this time he spoke wearily “umm.. hermione?i was just wondering if you were getting lonely in the house on your own I could come and stay for a couple of days I would stay on the couch it is just so that you arnt on your own I can tell that you are lonely? But that’s ony if you want I don’t mind… I have changed hermione I don’t want to be that boy that I was I hated being that boy, he pretened to be who his father wanted him to be because he was scared I really have changed and I just don’t want you to be lonely I know what its like to have no one around and it is hell ” hermione stopped in the middle of the street and thought about it for a while and looked at draco and said “you’ve changed, something has changed inside you. You don’t call me mudblood or tease me about my hair being so big? Have you really changed or are you just playing games with me ?” he locked eyes with her his shining bright grey with her deep brown.. “Yes hermione I really have changed….” She thought again and then nodded with a slight smile on her face “yes that would be nice to haved some one other than crookshanks to talk to” she laughed draco joined in abit after they then both got back to hermiones house and set the books on the table.

Dracos pov:

I cant believe she actually said yes wow. What am I gonna tell my parents? My father what would he do if he found out about me staying with hermione?. As we walked through her front door she set the books on the dining room tabe or what I presumed was the dining room table. Her houser was magnificent it wasn’t as big as the manor but I aways said that the manor was too big anyway. The walls of the kitchen were painted a bright yellow but not so bright it would blind you. She was reaching up top get some glasses on the very top shelf of a large cupboard they have she was stood on a chair carefully taking them out and placing them on the table. Crookshanks then decided to jump on the chair hermione was stood on and was rubbing himself around her feets and legs, because he was so fluffy it tickled her and she tripped over him while stood on the chair. She fell backwards.

Hermiones pov:

I was just about to fall flat on my back onto the floor until a rather large pair of strong hands caught me under my arms. My hair was all over in my face which was very flustered and I was trying to get back my breath as draco helped me get back my balance. “When do you want me to sleep over then?” draco asked me. “you can stay tonight if you want to?” “yeah great thanks hermione that sounds good” “its no probem draco if you want to go and get some stuff from your house then feel free ill go and make up the guest room for you to stay in” “its fine honestly hermione I don’t mind sleeping on the couche” “no draco you are going to stay in the guest room okay you are a guest in this house not a tramp iving where he can”  he sighed as I said them last words and apparated back to the manor.

Dracos pov:

I apperated back to my room in the manor and grabbed a few nessesities toothbrush, toothpaste, fresh clothes. Just some rough clothes jeans and a top. I also grabbed some money that I had changed into british pounds as the muggles call it. Just as I was about to disapperate my father walked into the room and stared blankly at me. “draco my son where are you going?” I looked back at the shame of a man that was my father “i…erm… I was erm-just” “you were just leaving right? Without saying good bye or telling us where you are going?” I looked at him with slight fear in my eyes. “I erm… I was going to tell you I was just erm” he with drew his wand and pointed it at me. I held my breath hopong it wouldn’t be the last one I took.

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