in the astronomy tower

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hey guys sorry i havent uploaded in a while i have had exams and other things on my mind but here it is i hope u guys enjoy it:) comment please

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hermione’s pov:

I took a deep breath as I turned around. I came face to face with a complete and utter stranger. His hair was longish, straight and jet black. He had piercing green eyes which reminded me of emeralds, they were only just visible under his hair. When he smiled he revealed a mouth full of pearly white perfectly straight teeth. He was about five foot six. His skin was dark like blaise zabini’s from Hogwarts. I looked at him with a confused look on my face. I had no idea who he was at all. I saw him glance around the room before getting out a wand and conjuring up a red rose. He handed it to me before speaking for the first time “you don’t recognise me do you?”. I knew his voice. I don’t know where I knew it from but I did know his voice from somewhere before. I shook my head and said “no I don’t sorry. Did we grow up together or something?” he smiled at me before taking hold of my hand and guiding me through the masses of people I kept a look out for draco so that he could see what my date looked like in case anything happened but I couldn’t find him. I looked out for his platinum blond hair but I couldn’t find him. We ended up outside. He lead me to the maze and we walked through it until we reached a large opening in the middle of the maze. He let go of my hand and turned towards me. “im guessing that you want to know who I am right? seeing as you are looking incredibly confused”. I nodded at him. He took a few steps back from me and waved his wand over himself. He grew from five foot six to about six foot tall. His emerald eyes changed to a silver with a tinge of blue in them. His figure became thinner and more muscular and his facial features changed and became more hard and distinctive. His hair gradually faded into a light brown and then to a dirty looking blonde and then it kept getting lighter and lighter until it came to the platinum blonde hair colour that I recognise almost instantly. I now recognised him, his head was bent down looking at the floor. I took a step forward and he brought his head up to look at me. it was draco. It had been draco all along. He looked at me with his bright grey eyes. I looked at him in disbelief. I still couldn’t get my head around it. It was draco. Draco malfoy. All along it was draco malfoy. He took a cautious step towards me.

Dracos pov:

She looked at me after I had changed back into my old self. I know what your thinking why use the disguise? But I just thought it would be something different and she would have probably thought that I was playing a joke on her or something like that. I looked into her brown eyes trying to work out what she was thinking. I took a small step towards her and said cautiously “hermione say something? Anything ?please?” im guessing that she was still in shock because the only words that came out of her mouth were “it was you?” it was softer than a whisper. I only just managed to hear her say it. I nodded “yeah it was me. Im sorry that it happened this way but I don’t know how long I have been wanting to tell you that I like you and I mean really like you” she looked at me blankly I knew she was listening to me but she wasn’t showing any emotion on her face so I just carried on with my explanation “I know that you probably don’t feel the same way but I just couldn’t hold it in any longer I had to tell you how I feel even if you don’t feel the same, which im pretty sure that you don’t feel the same.” I lowered my head to look at the floor. There was an awkward silence until hermiones soft melodic voice broke it “your wrong” I looked up from the ground and up at her face. My eyebrows were furrowed and I had a confused look on my face. There was a small smile on her lips and she carried on “your wrong draco. i…I feel the same way you do. I feel that towards you, and to be honest I have for a while now” she blushed in her cheeks at what she had just said. What she had just said to me. I couldn’t believe it she felt the same I felt like this was one of my dreams and that I was going to wake up at any point now. I was in shock until she broke it by saying “say something? Please draco? even if it is just telling me that this is all just a prank that you …” she didn’t get a chance to finish that sentence. I wouldn’t let her because in one swift movement I stepped closer to her and snaked my arm around her waist pulling her in closer to my chest before leaning down and pressing my lips firmly to hers she was tense for a few seconds and just as I was about to pull back out she relaxed and kissed me back, after a few more seconds kissing I pulled back, my arm still wrapped around her waist she looked up at me and I said “this is not one of my pranks okay?” she nodded and leaned in to kiss me again and we did. She placed her hands behind my neck as the kiss grew more passionate and deep. I slid my tongue across her lower lip she was about to open her mouth when we heard someone shout “hermione granger?” we broke apart and I went into the shadows abit when a girl roughly the same age as hermione ran up to her and gave her a massive hug. Hermione returned the embrace and said “hey Kim, what are you doing here?” they both let go of each other and took a step back away from each other “oh I was just coming here to have some alone time with my boyfriend who I hope you remember? Jack Johnson?”

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