after he says i love you ....

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hey guys i am so incredibly sorry about not updating sooner but i have been full of exams and coursework and applying for sixth forms ive just been finding it hard to find time to write sorry if it isnt long enough but its all i can manage atm


omg he said it he said he loves me what am I going to do? I don’t know if I love him. Should i love him? I did at one point….is that love still there? If I didn’t love him would i have let him kiss me? I don’t know I don’t know a lot any more. Im so confused.

“okay hermione don’t get yourself worked up over this you are a rash and reasonable and sane person do not let draco malfoy make you lose it”

“hunny I think you’ve already lost it your talking to yourself” I shook my head and looked back up at draco. He looked down at me with a very serious look on his face “hermione I love you I always have what happened at the manor with my father and me calling you a mudblood and saying that it was a lie everything we had and that i didn’t love you it was all a lie I did love you still love you I never stopped and every day It was like being hit with the crutiatous curse when I knew that you were probably happy with someone else and that I knew because of what my father did I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you again in case he ever did anything to harm you in any way I would rather you be safe and away from me than with me and in constant danger of being killed. I know its no excuse but if you love someone as in really love them you let them go and that is what I did but its only now that I realise that I was a selfish git and I have never wanted to share anything with anyone especially when it belonged to me you belonged to me and now I don’t want to share you with anyone.”

“I do not belong to you draco malfoy. I do not belong to anyone you of all people should know that”

“I know and I didn’t mean for it to come out like that I didn’t mean any of it any f what happened at malf…” I cut in.

“you had a choice you could have stayed with me you always have a choice you could have fought your father but then again I wouldn’t want you disappointing your dad would I” I turned to walk away from him.

Draco’s pov:

I loved her I loved her with all my heart I said the wrong thing well that’s my life story. I have to make it right I love her and I can’t lose her again. it would finish and kill me this time. I wanted her to me so no one else can have her so I did the first thing that came to my head. She turned to walk away I grabbed her wrist and spun her so she was facing me. I was on one knee any way so I took off my slytherin ring and held it towards her and said “hermione I want to show you how much you mean to me and how much I love you please will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”.

‘Oh my god did I seriously just propose? Damn! I mean I did want to propose but not like this not yet not without a proper ring I just wanted her to give me a chance to be her boyfriend again…. oh god what have I done she is gonna say no and  it is gonna kill me I know it is. Well done draco you set yourself up to get beaten.’

Hermiones pov:

‘Oh my god! He just proposed to me. In the mddle of a street. I never would have thought that draco malfoy would propose to me hermione jean mudblood grangr its just crazy. But I don’t want to marry him just yet I hardly know him. I want to start over not just jump into marriage with him.’

 “draco” I say quietly “im sorry the answer is no” he goes from being on one knee to collapsing into a ball on the floor. “I really am sorry draco I do like you but I just want to start fresh” he looked up tears falling down his cheeks I help him stand up and wipe away the tears. He shuts his eyes as I wipe the tears. I take a step back and hold out my hand “im hermione granger and you are?” he shakes my hand as he says “I am draco malfoy a pleasure to meet you”

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