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Dracos pov:

I smiled to my self as hermione walked out of my room. ‘what have I done to get such a lucky girls’ I thought as I laid back on my bed. The window suddenly shattered and a black mist took over the air in my room. I recognised it death eaters. I reached for my wand when I was hit by a spell. The last thing I saw before darkness was the blonde hair and famous smirk that always made my insides cringe.

Hermione pov:

i was pacing fastly up and down the common room. ginny and blaise were watching me. I couldn’t think of anything. I darted from the common room and headed towards the head mistresses office. Ginny and blaise were running behind me. I quickly said the password and went straight up to mc gonagals office “professor !”

“what is the meaning of this miss granger. Explain yourself at once”

“its draco head mistress he has been taken by death eaters”

the head mistress looked at me wearily and said “where do you think they would have taken him?”

“malfoy manor” I said without even thinking twice about it. She thought for a second and said “you may go after him if you want but you can take a couple of friends to help if you wish but only the two” I nodded

“okay head mistress I will take ginny and blaise with me”

“I am curious to ask miss granger why miss weasley and mr zabini and not mr weasley and mr potter?”

“because ginny and blaise were both there when the incident occurred”

she nodded in an understanding way “very well miss granger you may leave as soon as you want to”

I nodded and exited the headmistresses office ginny and blaise were stood out side. Blaise was sat on the floor and ginny was pacing back and forth infront of him. Blaise stood up and ginny stopped pacing when I came down the stairs, “so whos up for a field trip to malfoy manor?” they both looked at me.

The next morning

Dracos pov:

I opened my eyes to see my self in the dungeons at malfoy manner. I was sore all over. And then I remembered why they pain was the consequence of what happened the night before.

*The night before*

"tell me where the mudblood is draco” my father growled at me. He had me pinned up against a wall by my neck I was lifted up by his strength “no and d-d-don’t call h-h-h-her that foul name. i-i-i-if a-a-a-anyone has d-d-dirty blood its you” he dropped me and  I fell to the floor. He with drew his wand. I knew what was coming “crucio”he yelled at me. I writhed on the floor in pain before he finally released me of it I was on my back panting. “get up!” he barked at me.  I did so “where is the mudblood” he sneered at me. “don’t call her that”

“where is she draco?”

“I will never tell you”

“oh no.. never in a million of merlin years. You’ve fallen for the little disgusting mudblood bitch haven’t you?”

I lookedat him. My face told him everything he needed to know. He looked at me as if I was a complete stranger and he was disappointed I knew that much. Then mercilessly he growled “crucio” again and that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

Normal time

Still dracos pov:

“Your finally awake I see” a cold voice sounded in my cell. It was my father or what I thought was a father. He walked over to me and bent down. “break up with the mudblood draco” I shook my head “do it or watch everyone you love suffer a very slow and painful death right inform of you, especially for the mudblood. I would make you do it. I would put you under the imperious if you didn’t do it optionally. Its your choice my son” I cringed as he said it ‘my son’ I would never be his son optionally I would rather kill myself first. I had to do it I had to break up with hermione eventhough it’s the last thing I want to do in my life. But I love her with all my heart I love her. Even if it ment my father killing me I would do it just for her to live. I wouldn’t be good for her any way she deserves better than me when I see her next ill do it. “fine ill break up with her” I said to Lucius he turned around and healed me I stood up and went to my room to shower and get a change of clothes. I heard voices and spells being cast down stairs I walked down stairs and saw her. Hermione. She was with blaise and ginny I looked at them they had defeated the death eaters and was going to have aface off with Lucius when I walked down the stairs. “ah draco my boy. I believe you have got something to say to the mudblood am I not mistaken?” I looked down and took a deep breath “yes I do have something to say to the m-mudblood” she looked at me with horror, hate, pain and anger in her eyes. “I don’t love you I never have and I never will I mean look at you your hair is unruly and you can’t control your mouth when your asked a question or someone comments on you… I don’t love you I never did it was just to trick you and it worked. The brightest witch of our age was sweet talked by a slytherin which is well known for their cunningness and slyness. Stupid little mudblood” I felt terrible every word that came out of my mouth was a lie all I wanted to do was scream about how much I loved her but I couldn’t not when her life and the life of everyone I love is in the danger of this one decision. I turned my back on her and looked away. She turned me around and slapped me straight across the cheek before turning and apperating. Ginny glared at me and blaise looked incredibly disappointed in me before apperating as well. If only they knew why I did it they would understand.

Hermiones pov:

I apperated back to Hogwarts and ran straight into my room and fell on my bed crying. I couldn’t believe it. I have been so stupid. And he was right I had ell for the sweet talk and everything else. I was crying so hard I didn’t notice ginny come and lay down with me cuddling and then blaise came and jumped on us both wrapping us in a hug. “you know hermione draco is my best friend and I don’t think that he ment it but what he did was wrong he shouldn’t have called you that name again and it was bang out of order”

“blaise I know he ment it he had oure hate In his eyes that is something that you cant mistake for something else even I know that” ginny stayed with me while I cried not even attempting to cheer me up before I said “so this is how it feels to be heart broken ?” she nodded. “I hate boys” I shouted throwing a pillow towards blaise I don’t know why I did it I think it was because he was a boy but it failed anyway it got about 2 feet away from the edge of the bed and dropped to the floor. ‘will I ever get over draco’ I thought in my head

5 years later

I never went back to Hogwarts. I couldn’t face the girl I loved and know that I broke her heart in order to protect her, I lived with that guilt all the time, I wish I could make it go away but it won’t. I was in the manor when a owl came in with a fancy looking piece of parchment in its beak. I got up off of my chair and went to retrieve it from the bird. I opened the parchment and in fancy swirly writing it said

Dear draco malfoy,

                                your invited to mine and ginnys wedding eventhough we don’t agree with what you did to hermione all those years ago you are still my best mate. Please do owl back with your response. It would be great to have you there.


Blaise and ginny xx

I was in shock they actually wanted me there. I cant go though what about hermione she would hex me the moment I set foot in the room. I sighed but blaise is my best friend. Ill go for him. I took out some ink and parchment and wrote:

Dear blaise,

                It would be a pleasure to go to your wedding. And as far as hermione goes I did what had to be done it was either break up with her or my father and the rest of the death eaters would kill everyone I cared about. You, my mum, hermione. I did it to save you all and I know that its probably a pretty poor excuse but I did it because I love you all and I still do it was a case of my happiness or your lives and lets face it I couldn’t have made hermione happy anyway she deserves better. i still love hermione and I will try and control my emotions for her, I will be at your wedding, for you mate.

draco malfoy

Blaises pov:

I received dracos owl this morning and couldn’t believe it. Everyone thought that he had just broken up with her because he was being a cold hearted prick but he wasn’t he was sacrificing his happiness for our lives and he still loved hermione of course he did. I finished reading the letter as ginny came and sat down beside me I handed it to her and she read it. I watched her face changed from different emotions ranging from confusion to happiness to just sorrowful. “he did it for us you me and hermione and the rest of his friends and family” she said in a quiet voice. I nodded. Ginny hugged me. “don’t worry im sure everything will be alright, I do remember though hearing the other night that hermione was talking to crookshanks saying that she still loved draco.” I saw a light bulb switch on in her head as she got and idea. “how about we have a replay of our final year?” I looked confused “you want me to kick you out of the window again?” she closed heder eyes and shook her head “no I mean they locked us in a room and took our wands so why don’t we do the same to them?” I smiled and nodded before kissing her on the fore head “I knew that I loved you for a reason and you totally should have been put in slytherin” she laughed and we started planning what we was going to do.

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