Chapter 9

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It was a good 2 weeks after the whole incident in the library, Changmin followed his word as he was more serious when protecting the royal. He would still be the same old Changmin as he would break down the wall when Chanhee did certain things. The royal had been sad when the knight acted colder and serious but knew in the end he knew his small barrier would crack every so often for him. To the royal's displeasure after his two week break he would have to go back to his dates, although he was pushing through knowing it's his last two.

"Chang please tell me you're going to be nearby to save me if I'm bored during the date." The royal said as he was on the knight's back his arms wrapped around the males as he placed his head on the male's shoulder.

The knight was trying to calm down his heart and hide a blush, even during the 2 week date break he had been blushing at the smallest things the royal did. He was happy to be the boy's personal knight "Of course, I'm your knight after all Chan, I'll be here by your side for now on." He fixed himself so the male wouldn't fall off as they walked around the halls of the castle.

The two had grown rather close for the past few weeks, they wouldn't say it face to face but they had grown feelings for each other as well. Nicknames, jokes, small actions the other person does was cute to them. For the prince it was the most hardest thing, he wanted to spend all his time with the male but he has to wait for until the dates are over. He knew he can't just tell the boy his feelings but maybe in the future.

Changmin kneeled down so the royal can get down on the ground safely "Now why don't you go get some rest, tomorrow I'll come by and bring you to where the date will be held."

Chanhee got off then smiled more "That's good to hear, I'll see You tomorrow Chang." He smiled before walking inside his room. Once inside he sighed and held his heart, he went over to the bed and flopped down on it.

The knight had gotten up and stared at the door, he then walked down the hall before being stopped by a familiar face "Oh earl Kim, it's good to see you again. I'm guessing you're here for prince Chanhee."

He stayed silent before showing the knight a note "I'm here for tomorrow's date.. although some plans might change." He put the note away but had a serious face '"I plan to confess to the boy at tomorrow's date as well." He had been liking the royal for some years now, he couldn't help it. All he wanted to do was to see the royal be happy, he also wanted to be the cause of the boy's happiness.

The knight stayed silent as he thought about the confession, since he thought that one day he'll get the chance to confess his own feelings to the royal. Changmin knew in a way that the prince would pick the earl. He held his smiled although he felt heartbroken "That's great earl Kim, I'll make sure to protect you and the prince from a distance." He then bowed before looking back at the male "I'll see you tomorrow." He then left the hall.

Sunwoo stood in the hall alone and decided to go visit someone in town before it became too late into the night. He swiftly left the hall and grabbed a horse form the stable, once on his horse he left the castle and went towards where the person lived. Once outside he left is horse as a good distance before walking to the door of the estate. He honestly wanted advice for before the date, just so his head can be cleared and more positive, he didn't normally show he was affectionate to the male.

Once knocking on the door a sleepy male came and peeked his head out "Sunwoo? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at home getting rest?" The male spoke in a tired and still half sleepy tone.

Sunwoo smiled and pat the male on the shoulder "Sorry to wake you up Haknyeon, it's just I really need your advise." He felt bad wakening up the male, he almost forgot how late it had became while he traveled to the boy's estate.

Haknyeon nodded and moved out of the way so the earl can come inside, he had a blanket around his shoulders and was slouching "So what do you need advise about this time Sunwoo?" He yawns and sits down in the living room of his house.

"Well you are a very responsible earl and I wanted to get your advice about asking Chanhee to give me a chance.." He smiled at the thought of dating the boy, he would always be happy thinking about the royal. 

The noble nodded and leaned back into the couch "Well I know you've been liking him for years now. I feel like you won't need my help but just listen to him, and don't push your feelings on him." He spoke softly as he thought to himself "You really like him, as you won't notice how many hint I dropped." He sighed and ruffled his own hair.

The male looked at the boy curiously "Is everything okay Haknyeon? I mean I did wake you up, so if you want you can kick me out." 

The fellow earl shook his head while fixing the blanket that was around him "You can stay Sunwoo, plus it's getting very late so you can sleep in the guest room" He hated the thought of the younger male going outside in the cold night. 

Sunwoo smiled softly at the older male's kindness, he's been close to the noble for as long as he knew the prince as well. He felt lucky to have the older boy by his side "Thanks Haknyeon, if you don't I'll head up then." He hugged the male before going towards the upstairs. 

The noble shook his head with a slight sad smile "Ju Haknyeon maybe one day, maybe in another life. But today and in this life you won't be able to be with him." He walked up stairs going back to his room to sleep but checked and saw a sleeping Sunwoo already in the guest room before he did go to bed himself. 

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