Chapter 12

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"Alright then tell me, if we didn't know each other would you reject me?" The royal laughed at the comment but cleared his throat "Well if you were still like this then I would have given you a chance. But you said you did this just to hang out with me which I'm thankful for~" He smiled and hugs his best friend.

Sunwoo hugs back a mentally slaps himself he then thought back to Haknyeon's statement earlier in the day "Chanhee is lucky to have you, he's in your heart while I watch from afar. I'm jealous..." He sighed before looking back at the royal "Chanhee you met me when we were younger, what do you think about me now that we are older."

The prince looked over and started laughing "My thoughts about you, where should I start then?" Chanhee sat down on a bench and patted it down for Sunwoo to join him "Well I thought you were adorable, sometimes annoying but I wouldn't want you to leave my side. Now I think you grew up well, you definitely still have your charm, and we are growing up too fast."

Sunwoo took a seat next to him and nodded "Am I being scolded or hearing a concern?" He jokes as he looked at the sky.

He shock his head "Well it's a compliment to you, you are a hard worker who grabbed the attention of another and that person might make you happy." The prince said softly.

The earl quickly faced Chanhee and held onto the male's shoulders "Chanhee please tell me something, I'm blind and can't tell right now, but why can't I get something out of my head, it bothers me and I hate it."

"Well what did this person say, it could be because you don't know or you hate what they said." He moved the male's hands away from his shoulders and now have them on his lap holding them in his.

Sunwoo spoke up and tried to think rationally "He said you were lucky, cuz you had my attention. He sai-"

"Well it's right there, he's jealous cuz he wants your attention. He wants you to be with him, Sunwoo he likes you, in what way I don't know." The prince then let go of his friends hand and stood up "As for the reason your upset is because you like him in a way only you can understand." He then started to walk.

"I think you're right, I might like him and not you anymore. But does he like me in anyway other than a friend." He got up and ran to the male's side walking with him in a comfortable silence.

Chanhee walked into his room noticing a note next to a plate with a slice of strawberry cake and a cup of tea. Walking over to it he picked up the note 'Heard the date went well, I'll come get you when it's time for dinner. - your knight Changmin' He picked up the tea cup and smiled "Your lucky I like tea and sweets, or else I would have been upset you left me for the day. He drank the tea before seeing an all too familiar knight walking outside from his window. He smiled and opened the window before yelling to the boy "Changmin what are you doing?"

The knight looked up and laughed before responding with a smile "Just going on a walk, wanna join me?" He was happy seeing the male although he expected the royal to be busy on his own.

"Yup just wait down there! I'll be down in a minute!" He then closed the window and finished his cake and tea quickly before running out his room happy to talk with the somewhat younger male.

Changmin rolled his eyes seeing the window close before he heard his named called by an unexpected voice "Ah Marquess Son how are you doing, it's been a while since I actually talked with you." He bowed while he spoke.

Eric smiled back "Hey Changmin, sorry I've been busy packing. I'm actually going to visit duke Juyeon tomorrow." His smile brightened just thinking of his trip.

The knight wrapped his arm around the younger male "Aw aren't you happy to see your boyfriend~ Tell my dear friend hello when you get there." He says ruffling the boy's hair.

The marquess laughed sarcastically before shoving the knight away from him "Ya ya I will, now where is your boyfriend? I don't see Chanhee with you." He says looking around the area.

Changmin felt his face heat up and pushed the younger back, soon covering his face with a hand feeling embarrassed "Chan isn't my boyfriend, he's my friend and I'm also his knight I can't da-"

"Says who Changmin? You can do whatever, just gotta take a chance. Listen I'm taking a chance for Juyeon, you need to take one too." He goes over and pats the knight's back for reassurance "Take as much time as you need but he won't stay single forever."

Speaking of the prince the male left the castle at last with a picnic basket in hand and waved at the two. He then runs over and smiles brightly "Hey guys did I miss anything?"

Changmin shook his head and smiled awkwardly "Nope just Eric telling me about Juyeon, but you seem ready for a walk, and a good lunch."

He nodded with a satisfied smile "Yup, I mean the weather is still nice plus we still have enough time for a good early dinner." He then looked to the marquess "If it's okay with Chang you can join us Eric."

The younger shook his head "Nope I need to make sure I have enough clothes for my trip, you guys have fun though. I'll see you guys later until I get back." He waved and left running inside the castle.

Changmin cleared his throat and held a hand out to to the prince "Well then Chan why don't we start that walk now, then we can have that early dinner before your parents yell at us."

The prince put his hand on the knight's with a soft smile "Of course and we should leave now before we get caught."

The two started laughing with each other as the walk into the forest, talking and joking around as the walk continues the knight could tell his feelings for the royal kept growing as long as he stayed by Chanhee's side.

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