chapter 5

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" oh shit! The teams are switched!!" I said" damn it!!!"

" oo a sacrifice for lord jashine!! Kakazu can I have them?" Hidan said.

" whatever hidan. Just be quick."kakazu said.

" sasuke, I got hidan. Go get kakashi sensei and the others to get kakazu. He has 5 hearts so it'll take all of you to get him. And tell them that I might not come back." I told sasuke in a very serious voice." I know how to handle hidan." I said drawing my night blade." Go, I mean it."

" no, I'm not leaving you alone again." He shouted.

" sasuke listen to me!" I shouted back." I'm the only one here strong enough to kill hidan. Just GO!!"

sasuke finally realized he wasn't going to win the argument and left.

" oh, your a smart one! And I swear I've seen you from somewhere." Hidan said.

" I'm quite popular amongst the ninja. You see I'm a cereal killer. I'm on wanted posters and everything." I said.

" oh yea, that's where I've seen your face. And wait aren't you allies with that oruchimaru guy or something?" He said.

" yes I am. Now let's just cut to the chase. You can either kill me or take me to pain for examination. Your pick."

" well if I kill you kakazu will yell at me, if I take you in I don't get any sacrifices..." Hidan said.

Good, keep buying time. The more time I buy the more time I have to plan. I thought as hidan decided what to do with me.

" alright, I've come to a conclusion. I'm going to seriously injure you then I'm going to take you to lord pain." Hidan said.

" wise plan." I said." Shall we get started?" I asked.

" of course. But I first must say, nice sword." Hidan said, getting into a fighting stance.

" likewise."

Hidan charged at me with his triple-scythe just missing me by a hair to my stomach, but since he was so close I stabbed his shoulder. He fell back, grabbing his shoulder to stop the bleeding. He then went into a frenzy and kept trying to slice me, I had to step back several times before I finally found an opening to dodge him all together. I threw a few paper bombs in his direction. He flew back at the blast which in turn got him more pissed off. Struggling to keep up I gracfully found and opening and used night slice on him. In the end he had several large cuts on his arms and back.

" your better than I thought." Hidan said breathing heavily.

I too was breathing a little heavily." And your just what I expected." I said." Because I don't take any enemy lightly."

" well said." Said a voice near me. I was shocked to see gaara himself standing beside me.

" lord gaara? What are you doing here?" I asked.

" I'd heard about what you did at the hospital and wanted to show my gratitude for helping my people." He said. His sand began to exit out of his gord.

" well thanks." I said.

" so the jinjuriki came to me. How wonderful." Hidan said.

" lord gaara, he fights with speed and force. Don't let his weapon cut you or hell curse you so his pain is yours and kill his immortal self to kill you." I quickly explained.

" right. Got it." Gaara said.

A criminal fighting along side the greatest kazekage. Who knew??

" alright now I'm angry!!" Hidan said angrily.

Hidan came charging after me and gaara. But gaaras sand was too quick and blocked his attack.

" thanks lord gaara." I said.

" I'm just protecting my people. And my friends." He said his arms crossed like they always were.

" so now I'm a friend?" I said confused.

" any friend of naruto uzimaki is a friend of mine." He said dodging the next attack.

" I am honored." I said slashing at hidan when I found an opening.

I decided to use some fire now with my attacks and I summoned fire onto my blade, so I don't just cut him, I'll burn deep into the wound as well. I cut him 3 times in fatal points. On the neck, lower back, and chest. I then blew a fireball at him to strengthen the wounds.

As I faught when hidan would try to attack me gaaras sand would block the attack opening up so I can attack. It might sound confusing but it was quite awesome.

I kicked hidan on the back of his head and weaved a few signs.

"Fire style phinix flower jutsu" I said blowing out a bunch of fireballs and controlling them directly to hidan, they then colided into one page one once they hit hidan.

" now lord gaara!" I called to him.

Immediately his sand incased hidan.

" sand coffin." He said as his sand hardened," sand burrial." He finished as the sand spewed out blood from hidan. Hidan then fell to the ground in body parts.

" lord gaara I must go help the others. I need you to create a hole about 15 feet deep and burry him. He isn't dead and he can pull himself back together and will attack you again." I explained.

" I understand. Go HelP the others." Gaara said.

" thanks again." I said leaving to help the others.

" how many hearts did you kill?" I asked kakashi once I got there.

" 2. I thought you said you might not come back?" Kakashi said.

" as in I might die. But thankfully lord gaara helped me out." I said." I'd be dead if not for him."

" good to see your alive," sakura said.

" good to be alive." I said." Looks like I'll need second stage for him."

" second stage, what's that?" Sakura said.

" this." I said as I activated the curse mark. Black flame like marks streched across my face from the back of my neck and  connected turning red then fading into blueish purple. I still had my sharingan activated and I also had longer hair and wings that looked like a falcons instead of hands

" woah, so that's what the curse mark does." Sakura said.

" yea, now let's kill this bastard!!" I said angrily.

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