chapter 8

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" how did you obtain those eyes?" Itachi asked.

" I gained a best friend over the years of spying, and then I had to kill her." I said still in a serious tone. My sharingan looked exactly like sasukes would've if he were in my place. I blinked as I went back to regular sharingan.

" how long have you used it?" Itachi asked. He was worried that I was carelessly using it.

" I know the price for such power itachi. But I've only used my mongyekyo enough to form my own tsukiumi and use amatarsu, the eternally burning black flames." I said.

Itachi began walking again. The rest of the day we all walked in silence. I kept the markings of the curse mark on my face, letting them move freely across my arms and body, as if I had black flames dancing on my body.

" I'm impressed at how you go from seriousness to a playful one in a split second." Kisame said breaking the silence of the night.

" just something I picked up along the way." I said from on a tree branch. I hadn't looked at him, I was staring out into the night, at the moon.

" well I guess one can pick up such things being such a good assassin."

" kisame your better off just staying quiet. We've tortured my brother enough." I said. Sasuke, I hope you could forgive me for joining the ranks of the akastuki...

During the night I decided to send a holographic me to sasuke, and tell him what happened.

" so you've joined the akastuki to spy for oruchimaru." Sasuke said after I had explained. I hadn't told him about my mongyekyo.

" that's correct. I'm sorry but I won't be able to go back to the leaf for some time. I'm going to stay with the akastuki for about a month then I'm going to finish off oruchimaru." I explained." I'm sorry but you'll have to wait a while longer."

" your with itachi, I know you'll be safe." Sasuke said with a half smile." Though I hate to say it, but the cloak looks good on you."

I laughed slightly at his comment." I guess the criminal look suits me. Maybe when I return I'll where it and to see everyone's reaction." I said." The sun will be rising soon and they'll wake up. I have to go. I love you sasuke." I finished as my form faded away.

" I love you too..." Sasukes voice trailed off as my mind returned to where I was.

Well, at leased he doesn't need to worry. I thought as I watched the sunrise over the trees.

" hey guys, wake up. We have to keep moving." I said. Neither of them replied. So I got down from the tree branch I'd been on and shook kisame awake." Get up fish boy." I said.

I then walked over to itachi and nudged his shoulder." Get up brother. Its just past sunrise." I said gently, yet sternly.

" oh so I'm the one with the rude awakening." Kisame said.

Itachi woke up stood up as I did." You stayed up all night?"

" yea, someone had to keep watch, and you two where beat." I replied." Do any of you have any physical injuries so I can heal them now."

" no, I'm fine." Itachi said.

" I accually have a cut on my leg I think is infected." Kisame said.

I walked over to him and he showed me where his cut was. It was lightly infected and had he not told me sooner he'd be limping by tomorrow. I healed the wound quickly with very dense chakra.

"Kisame your lucky I caught this early or you would have to get your leg amputated in 2 days time. You would then be of no use to the akastuki." I stated after treating the wound." And what idiot doesn't say anything in the first place?!" I finished punching kisames arm.

I guess my punch was a little harder than anticipated because kisame stepped back," ouch, damn woman that hurt!"

" oh shush, we need to leave." I said. Yes, the curse marks markings were still on my face.

" its only just passed sunrise?!" Kisame whinned.

" and we can cover more ground the earlier we start."

" aahh" kisame goaned annoyed." I'll get you for that punch!"

" go ahead and try." I mocked." Itachi if you like I can use my chakra to block the conversation. So you don't get a headache." I offered.

" no I'm fine." He replied while we were walking.

" alright but don't come runnin to me when you have a migraine." I told him.

The rest of the day went by slowly, and silently. Until i had made dinner.

" damn woman do you not have a talent. I haven't eaten such delights in years!" Kisame said butting into some seasoned fish.

" enjoy it while it lasts. I'm not staying forever." I told him as I began putting everything away.

" then why did you come?"

" orders from oruchimaru. But when I go back in a month I'm killing the bastard." I said in an annoyed tone.

" hold on, your allies with him right?"

" yes but only for this purpose. I plan on killing him and stopping his crimes. But I had to gain his trust and join him falsely." I explained. " he'd given me the curse mark while he had me against my will."

" so that's why this is happening." Kisame said as if it were all just explained.

" we should be at the village by nightfall tomorrow." I stated ending the conversation of the night.that night I kept watch again.

The next morning I woke itachi an hour before sunrise.

" yo, time to wake up itachi. We gotta leave if we're to get there on time." I said.

Itachi opened his eyes and responded." Don't you know how early it is?"

" yes and as I said yesterday we can cover more ground the earlier we leave." I replied.

I woke kisame even more rudely, by using my sound trick and mimicking a howling wolf. He woke up startled as hell.

" why I'll get you for that!!" He threatened.

" oh good your up. Now let's go." I said as if I'd done nothing. I had then began walking, they followed.

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