chapter 15

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While walking through a fairly large town the next day I'd noticed the people were exceptionally polite. Even though I knew it was the new poster I still felt weird.

" look its her" said one man.

" the hero of the sand!" Said a child.

" please everyone, I'm just another ninja helping others. Please go about your day," I said trying not to cause attention to myself.

" looks like your pretty popular," sasuke whispered playfully to me.

" oh shut up sasuke. You know I hate all this attention." I said. While walking I saw the most unlikely sight imaginable. I saw kabuto.

" what the!" He said as he was walking past me." Elizabeth!?"

" hello kabuto. How is karin holding up?" I asked.

" she went out searching for sasuke." He said nodding to sasuke," you better hurry on outta here if you dont wanna get caught by her. She's here."

" thanks for the warning. Come on sasuke if you don't want a headache." I said walking away.

" hero of the sand suits you!" Kabuto called mockingly. I threw a kuni at his leg to shut him up. Sasuke and I then went from roof to roof across the town to avoid karin.

" so who's this karin chick." Sasuke asked after we were a fair distance away from the town.

" a very annoying redhead who has a huge crush on you." I said. " I wouldn't think much of it."

" alright, shall we keep going?"

" yeah." I said as we began walking." We don't have much food left, the next town is about a 3 day trip. Just to put that out there."

" thanks for the info chef." Sasuke said nudging my arm playfully.

" ha ha ha, very funny." I said." And sasuke," I continued softly," don't be alarmed if we need to stay known in the akatuki for longer than expected."

Sasuke nodded slightly. The rest of the day passed in silence. Until that night when we where hit by rain.

" we're close." I said putting my hood on." We'll be at the gate tomorrow, got there quicker than I thought."

" its coming down pretty hard." Sasuke commented from under the tree we took shelter under.

" you'll get used to it. You wait." I said." I've traveled in worse."

" I believe you." Sasuke said looking at the sky." Its getting late, we should turn in."

" yeah, I agree." We got ready to go to sleep. I rested my head on sasukes chest as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We then fell asleep.

The next morning was dreadful. For sasuke.

" I don't see what the fuss is about. Its just a little water." I taunted.

" you call this a little water?!" He said. "You surprise me sometimes."

" well this rain makes it easier to hide our tracks. So stay close, I could slip into one way and you'll go in another and get caught." I said." Almost there, hand over the cloak and headband."

" alright. Your right though, these cloaks are comfortable." He said handing over his akastuki gear. I then put our stuff in my pack after pulling them inside out.

" okay, let's go." Sasuke said.

When we came to the entrence we gave our bags to a man who put them through several machines for scannings, they took our names and asked a few simple questions before they let us enter.

my heaven-a naruto fantasy: 3 years laterWhere stories live. Discover now