chapter 13

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We all reached the town in 2 days. Tsunade was right, it was a fairly large town. Many of its buildings swere damaged.

So this is one of those towns that acts like a checkpoint to the seal. I wonder what the seal was, and if it could be repaired... I thought as we entered. We entered with no problems. In fact people parted to let us through.

" these people took the new poster seriously." I said.

A man on a very high ladder was painting a sign when a small child ran under and bumped into it. It began to fall but I quickly jumped and grabbed the man before he too fell. I then kicked the ladder just enough so it would be upright again.

" th...thank you..." The man stammered.

" no problem." I said walking back to the others.

" that was cool." Kiba said. Akamaru barked in agreement.

" I've done bigger things." I said shrugging." I finished off two akastuki members."

" you did!" Kiba said surprised.

" they didn't tell you?" I said gesturing to sasuke sakura and naruto." Well anyway, I'd used the curse mark the snakey lunatic gave me."

" snakey lunatic?" Shikamaru asked.

" my name for oruchimaru. He would be dead snakey lunatick now." I said boastingly.

"I'm not dead, Elizabeth. I'm never dead!" Oruchimarus voice echoed in my head.

" what the!?!" I said stopping suddenly.

" what is it?" Sakura asked.

" oruchimaru isn't dead! He's in my head!" I said." His voice just echoed inside!"

They all looked stunned." Let me take over. I could solve all of your problems." His voice echoed again.

Get the fuck away from me you bastard!!,I shouted in my head.

" I'm always going to be in your mind. You can never block me out..." His creepy voice said." I can even inflict damage."

Suddenly I felt shooting pains in my right leg and upper back. I fell to one knee a coughed up a fair amount of blood.

" Elizabeth!" Sakura and sasuke said in unison.

" damn him!" I said."its oruchimaru, he can inflict...damage..." I finished coughing up more blood.

" what can we do to help?" Shikamaru asked.

" I need to get back to the village-" I coughed again," I have a supliment for this there..."

" I'll go, you guys stay here." Sasuke said picking me up.

Shikamaru nodded as sasuke jumped from roof to roof with emence speed. We then got to the village in about 5 hours. His shirt was covered in blood. He continued to my house and unlocked the door, he took me to my bathroom where I had stored the medicine. I coughed more blood into the sink before I finally drank the elixer. My coughing and pain began to subside.

my heaven-a naruto fantasy: 3 years laterWhere stories live. Discover now