👀Blind fold👀

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____________________________________                 🏖👀The beach👀🏖
Everyone is sitting with there toes in the sand laughing, giggling, talking or whatever when Mary goes off "hello recruit please meet at the camp fire in 5 minutes to discuss what we're doing" "only 5 minutes I wanted more time to relax!" Edgar groans annoyed. 5 minutes go by and they walk to the campfire
The group sits down on the sofa and waits for Mary to go off again. "Hello recruit today we are going to be doing a social bonding experiment ." Mary says. "In 10 minutes our blind folding constructor Yidhara will be here to lead you threw this social experience." "So we came here to wait a other 5 minutes" Vera says disappointed. "I guess. Let's just wait it out" Patrica says putting her arm around Vera. 10 minutes later Yidhara slithers up to the group. "ITS A SNAKE AHH!!!" Mike squeals. "I'm not gonna bite I'm here to teach you" Yidhara says feeling disrespected. "Anyways, today's social bonding experiment is called blindfold." "Ooooh what are we gonna do with these~" Luca says in a horny tone looking at Edgar. "Shut up dick" Edgar says rolling his eyes. "It's not what you think. This experiment is about trust, seeing how much you can trust your partner. I will be paring you guys up in duos. You can decide who gets blindfolded and who doesn't" Yidhara says leading them to a other area of the beach.
They get to the area at the beach and they see boxes set up with tape. Yidhara tells them there groups, "Eli and Aesop, Fiona and Patrica, Emma and tracy, Emily and Mike, Vera and Victor, Edgar and Luca." Everyone chooses a square as Yidhara passes out the blindfolds. "These blindfolds are called 'bondage blind folds' do what you please with them but remember if it's anything sexual there will be a price" "damn it" Luca says stomping his foot like a child. "Choose who will wear the blindfold then put them on and continue" Yidhara says sitting down in her lawn chair. Eli is wearing the blindfold as Aesop takes off his mask and puts it on him. "Is there something on my face besides the blindfold?" Eli asks giggling. "Yeah haha" Aesop says giggling. "It's y-your mask?" Eli asks again. Fiona is looking over at Eli and Aesop making sure there not doing anything bad like Eli said. "Um Fiona are you ready?" Patricia asks. "Oh um yeah I am.. I'm just watching them to make sure they don't cost me"  Fiona stutters. Patrica starts putting the blindfold on Fiona while giggling "ok noow what hmm" "I don't care you do what ever you want~" Fiona says in a horny tone. "Ok ahah" Patrica says turning Fiona around. Patrica starts to rub her fingers on her back barley touching her butt. "Hey don't you cost me money now" Fiona says liking the sensation. "I won't I'll just tease" Patrica says moving down to Fionas thighs. "I hate you so much~" Fiona says tilting her head back. Emma and Tracy are talking trying to figure out who wheres the blindfold. "Ummm I can where it if you want!" Tracy exclaims. "Um sure I guess" Emma says looking at Emily. "Ok put it on then!!!" Tracy says scared but excised. Emma puts the blindfold on Tracy and she starts to run her hands threw her hair. "That kind of feels good ha.." Emma stops and moves her hands down to her checks and starts to move her tumb. "Awww your so cute~" Emma says booting Tracy's nose. "Am not" Tracy blushes. Luca is putting the blindfold on Edgar  and he starts to mess with him a bit. "Oooh I now you wanna fuck so bad right now~" "s-shut up.." Edgar says as his face turns red. Luca puts one finger over edgar's mouth and says "shhhh" Edgar obeys. Lucas sits Edgar down and lifts up edgar's shirt. "H-hey-" Edgar gets cut off my Luca saying "shhhh" Luca moves his finger down Edgars chest causing chills to go down Edgars spine. Luca giggles as he sits down in front of Edgar moving is soft fingers down edgar's chest. Vera ends up getting blind folded. "I'm so nervous~" Vera says as she moans sarcastically. Victor whispers in her ear "I know you want the dick baby~" Veras face goes red. "W-what~" Vera says embarrassed. "Just say it~" Victor teases. Victor rubs the outer of Veras body slowly moving down. Emily and Mike are fussing over who should wear the blindfold. "Well I'm not a bottom so I shouldn't wear the blindfold!" Emily says frustrated. "W-well m-" Victor gets cut off by Emily putting the blindfold on him. "Shut up bottom~" Emily says in a demanding tone. Emily starts to rub Victors upper thigh twitch her nails. "I-oh~" Victor moans. "God your so easy" Emily says. "Ok guys enough everyone!" Yidhara says to quite down the group "Take off your blind folds and go back to the campfire"
The group sits down on the sofa next to there partners. "Sooo did you guys have fun?" Yidhara asks the recruit. Yes's and yea's come from the crowd. "Great, now as you can see it's getting pretty late so I should be on my way" Yidhara says slithering away. "Well that was eventful" Emily said to Victor. The boys stay on the couch as the girls walk off back to the room.
                       🫐🛏The bedroom🛏🫐
Everyone sits on the bed exhaustedly. "I'm gonna go change" Fiona says stretching. "Yeah me too" Patrica follows Fiona into the changing room.
                 👙🪞Girls Changing Room🪞👙
Fiona changes into a oversized purple t-shirt and black shorts. Patrica changes into a black hoodie and black shorts. Patrica is thinking "why is she kinda hot.. I cant violate the rules though I know how she feels about the money..." "I'm done changing!" Fiona exclaims. "U-Um do you wanna hang out in here for a bit.. it's kinda loud out there" Patrica asks as she sits on a stool. "Sure I guess, what do you wanna do?" Fiona answers. "Kiss.." Patrica says without thinking. "H-huh~" Fiona stutters. "N-nothing" Patrica says "yawning" putting her arm around Fiona. "Wow real smooth" Fiona says sarcastically. "Listen I'm trying here" Patrica says. "I mean I've never thought of myself with a girl but your the first girl I've been sexually attracted to... like I wanted to do more then just talk.. and more then just kiss..." Fiona says looking down. "M-me too... but there's money on th-" Patrica is cut off by a warm kiss on the lips by Fiona. Fiona has her lips on Patricas, and hands on her head moving down to her lower back. Patrica puts her tongue in Fionas mouth and let's out a sluttish moan "a-augh~" they pull away from the deepened kiss. "T-that was l-like heaven." Fiona says rubbing her hand on Patrica's cheek. "Y-yeah I never wanted to stop..." Patrica says as her face gets redder. "S-same but who knows how much money would have costed the group if we made out..." Fiona says sadly. "Y-yeah.. b-but... Fiona I fucking love you.." Patrica says as she looks deeply into Fionas eyes. "I-I lo-" Fiona was interrupted by Tracy opening the door. "Guuuuys who wants to play truth or dare" "I'm in!" Fiona says standing up. Tracy closes the door as Patrica stands up as well. Fiona pulls Patrica over and whispers in her ear "I love you too"

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