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Victor is chilling by the pool and see's Andrew coming down the ladder. Andrew walks past Victor ignoring him. Mary goes off, "please meet by the campfire for an announcement" everyone walks over to the campfire and sits on the sofa.
Lanas blue light turns on and says, "I have a really special announcement, you see the watches on the table?" Everybody nods. "These watches will turn green when a special connection is made, when the watches turn green that means the sex ban rules to whoever's watch is green does not apply." Mary continued. "YES!!!" Fiona says standing up. "THANK FUCKING GOD!!!" Luca says clapping. They all grab there watches from the table and put them on. "This thing is fucking ugly" Edgar groans. "Shut up Edgar maybe we'll be able to have a feel for what's ours soon" Luca smirks "oh shut the hell up" Emma says. The sun finally sets so they walk back to the room and lay down.
Victor and Andrew lay in bed as Andrew looks up at the ceiling pondering about the almost kiss. "Pssst Andrew" Victor whispers. Andrew turns around and closes his eyes. "Listen I'm sorry I just don't wanna cost us any more money" Victor apologies. "It's fine I'm just embarrassed" Andrew whispers turning around. Victor cuddles Andrew to make him happy. Andrew spreads a slight smile putting his head down. Victor gives Andrew a slight head massage as he falls asleep. Victor smiles and goes to sleep. The next morning Edgar wakes up and starts to read a book. "O-oh your already awake" Luca says rubbing his tired eyes. "Yeah now shut the fuck up im trying to read" Edgar says rolling his eyes. Luca closes his book and forces Edgar to look at him. "I love you" Luca says sarcastically" "I don't love you" Edgar smiles sarcastically. The rest of the recruit wakes up slowly getting out of bed to get ready for the day. Fiona takes off her head piece and sets it on the vanity so she can shower. Emma is bored and she see's this golden eye thing on the vanity. Emma thinks "I could hide this?". Emma takes the head piece and puts it under the lamp. Emma walks back into the dressing room and sees Fiona crying. "Where the FUCK is my holy key head piece?!" Emma walks out of the room to get the head piece back from under the lamp. Emma hears a crush as she goes to the lamp. She lifts the lamp to see that the head piece is shattered. Emma starts to freak out as she gathers the pieces. "I have no idea where it is!" Fiona says to Patrica coming out of the dressing room. Fiona sees Emma with her head piece. "EMMA!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Fiona yells. "U-um I was just tryna play a prank and I'm I hid it under the lamp and it I'm broke.." Emma says embarrassed. "ITS MADE OUT OF REAL FRAGILE GOLD WHAT DID YOU EXPECT" Fiona let's out a tear. "I'm done!" Fiona walks back into the dressing room to change out of her robe. Patricia stares at Emma as she walks into the dressing room with Fiona. "U-um" Emma try's to speak. "No." Patrica peaks out of the door way and says. Fiona changes into her swim suit pissed off. Fiona walks out of the dressing room and gives Emma a death stare. Emma shares an awkward smile as Fiona walks past. Fiona gets to the door and turns around to flick Emma off. "Sorry heh" Emma says awkwardly. Fiona walks out the door and goes to lay in the sand.
The rest of the group starts walking out of the door and scatters out. Emma sits next to Fiona to apologize, "I'm really sorry I had no ide-" She gets cut off by Fiona saying, "go away" "oh um, sorry" Emma walks off to the sofa to sit with Edgar and Luca. "Hey um Luca I broke Fionas head thingy, she's really mad I'm what do I do heh" Emma asks. "Um why would you ask us that?" Edgar asks annoyed. "Well you guys seem pretty well out worked out together" Emma says shrugging. Edgar and Luca look at each other and giggle. "Oh we come off that way?" Luca asks sarcastically. "Just tell me what to do!" Emma exclaims. "I don't know maybe stop being a dumbass and fix it!" Edgar answers annoyed. "Oh that's actually smart" Emma says walking off. Emma goes back into the room to look for glue
Emma finds super glue in the drawer so she grabs the head piece and starts to glue it together. She finishes gluing it together so she sets it in the drawer for it to dry. After its dry Emma puts it on to make sure it looks good. "Good enough" Emma thinks. She walks out of the room to see everyone playing twister at the campfire.
"GO GO GO GO GO!!!" Luca yells at Edgar. "IM TRYING MY BEST DUMBASS" Edgar says trying to put his foot on blue. Emma walks over to Fiona and taps in her shoulder. "What do you want?!" Fiona asks angrily. "Well Um I tried to fix it it's not the best but if you don't like it I'll buy you a new one once we get off the island." Emma says giving her the head piece. "Oh um it's not to bad" Fiona says putting it on. "It will do I suppose" Fiona says tapping Emma on the back. "That's it?" Emma things "eh" Emma walks to the sofa to cheer them on. Hours go by and it's sunset. "Hey eddy~" Luca says to Edgar. "Wanna watch the sunset?" "Um sure?" Edgar says standing up. They walk over to the ocean to sit and watch. "You know blue is my favorite color" Luca says randomly. "Ok and?" Edgar says sarcastically. "Oh um well" Luca says. "I'm glad I've been getting to know you eddy~" "oh really...?" Edgar says with a smirk. "Proof it" the watches turn green. "I guess I will" Luca pulls Edgar in for a kiss. There tongs touch as Edgar lets out a breath. Edgar closes his eyes so Luca knows that he's pleased. They let go of the kiss as there watches turned red again. "That was um" Edgar says blushing. "Was that enough proof eddy?~" Luca asks sarcastically, walking away

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