😪Goodbye 😪

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                         💦💧pool 💧💦
Tracy Is walking Patrica and Fiona to the pool. Surprisingly the rest of the recruit is there too. Everyone is going to be playing truth or dare together at least that's what they think, Until Mary starts to speak.
"Hello there Aesop"
Everyone goes quite in confusion.
"Um hi Mary?" Aesop says confused.
"I've been noticing a bond between you and Eli, would you like to go on date with him this evening?"
"Oooooooo! A date~" Vera says "You have to say yes Aesop, you never know if you'll get this opportunity again!" Mike says . Eli is staying quiet in shock.
"If Eli wants to, then why not." Aesop excepts the ofer, but now everyone is looking at Eli.
"Eli, would you like to go on a date with Aesop?" Mary asked.
It goes quite again.
"Sure." Eli says
Everyone one congratulates them, I mean, what if their the only ones who get to go on a date at this stay!
While everyone one is doing this, Fiona grabs Vera and Patrica and rush over to the room, it's empty. They all sit down on a bed. "Ok Vera before I start, I need to tell you something!" "Yeah what's up Fiona?" "Ok well... me and Patrica kissed!" "No way! Are you kidding!?" Patrica responds to Vera, "Nope we kissed." Vera wasn't mad, she was happy for her friends, but she wished to break a rule herself but with who? "Ok but that's minus the point,
were about to lose CRAZY money!, $3,000 plus whatever a blowjob counts! And Eli and Aesop are most likely gonna kiss, we're gonna go broke!" Fiona says. "Holy shit your right!" Patrica says. "Do we tell the group what we heard?" Vera asked. "NO." Patrica and Fiona said. "Though their kinda making us lose bank, we should keep there secret. Mary won't say who broke the rule but she'll say what they did and how much it costed." Patrica and Vera look a each other and start to speak at the same time, "We can blackmail them!" They say  "That's right!" Fiona says. They all walk back to the party with there secret little plan.

"Welcome back ladies!" Luca yells. Vera and Fiona are having there own little conversation so Patrica yells back. "Heyyyy Lucaaaa!~"Patrica says as she sits down and puts her feet in the water. "So how's the game going?" Patrica asks. "Oh we were waiting for you guys!" Luca says. "Well lets get this party started then!" Patrica adds as Vera and Fiona sit down next to her. "You guys are wimps!" Edgar says, "what are we twelve?! Who plays truth or dare anymore?" "Well it's not like we could play dirty truth or dare, there's a god damn sex ban!" Patrica says. "Yeah Eddy what do you want us to play?" Luca asks, but Edgar walks away. "What a party pooper" Victor says until they all see Edgar walking back with a bottle of vodka and and a shot glass. "Truth or drink~" "Holy shit straight vodka!?" Emily yells, "do you want us to die!?" Emma adds. "I like your style Edgar~" Mike says "Well why thank you Mike!" "Well let the games begin..!" Luca says as he fills up the shot glass with Vodka. "Edgar~" Luca speaks, "are you a virgin?" "Why do you wanna know that Mr.Balsa~" "Just curious." "Well you'll have to wait and see~" Edgar says as he grabs the glass and shoots it down his throat. He starts coughing. "Holy shit, haha!" He says as he refills the glass. "What was that supposed to mean Edgar?" Emily says as she glances at him. "Oh you know~ something." Emily Laughs and then Edgar asks the next question. "Mike, Fuck, Marry, Kill, Fiona, Luca, Emma." Edgar asked. "Ah shit that's a hard one., well I'd say, Marry Emma, Fuck Luca, Kill Fiona." Fiona gasped, "You little bitch!" She pushes Mike into the pool with Victor and Eli while she laughs it off. The whole group starts laughing besides Edgar. Though he saw it coming, he was more of the jealous type. "Mike omg~ haha!" Luca says "Ok now it my turn to ask someone, Vera." "Yea?" "What's your body count?" It goes silent. "Hmm let me count.., maybe around 17?" "Oh wow.. that's a lot." "Yeah you could say that I guess." The game goes on until everyone went into there own little groups.

Fiona, Patrica, Vera (I'm the Dressing room)
Edgar, Luca, Tracy (Beach)
Aesop, Eli, Mike, Victor (pool)
Emily & Emma (Sofa)
Aesop, Eli, Mike, Victor were all in the pool having a beer, until Mary Starts speaking.
"Hello there, can everyone please head over to the campfire."
"Already? Come on man!" Mike says as they start to get out of the pool. They walk over to the campfire and are the first ones there. Then Fiona, Patrica and Vera come over. "Hey Eli, hey Aesop!" Fiona says with a wink as she sits down next to them. They just look at each other confused. The rest of the crew starts to come over and once everyone arrives Mary starts speaking.
"Hello there."
"Someone here has not been expiring friendship or love on this journey."
The small crowd goes quite.
"Someone will be leaving.."

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