😔💔Bye bye 💔😔

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The time has past. It was now late. The group was hanging out in the bedroom, just cracking jokes and stuff along that line. Aesop looks around and sees that Eli is no where to be found. He figured he was just in the bathroom so he gave it a few until there was still no Eli. "I'll be right back.." Aesop tells the group. "Alright then!" Mike says as he then continues to joke around.
Aesop walks out the door and is greeted with a breeze of air. It was a bit cooler but still very hot. His hair flows with the wind, some what getting in his face. Once the door is shut behind him he goes to look for Eli. It was pretty this late at night, he's glad he chose to go out looking. Though that's besides the point. Aesop decides to go to the first place that comes to mind, the sofas. There not far and are where most of the recruit hangs out. He walks over and arrives. He looks at each sofa and sees no one. This was odd. It's pretty close to the bedroom and not to much off a walk, it's also one of the places with lights. So where else could Eli be? He walks around a bit more yet with no sight of Eli at all. Aesop then glances at the beach. He sees a small figure laying on the sand. It had to be him. Aesop begins to walk over, he was right. Eli is sitting down and watching the water slowly crash onto shore. "Eli?" Aesop says. "I knew you'd come and find me~" Eli says as he leans his head back to see Aesop. Aesop smiles lightly as he sits down next to him. "It's pretty this late at night." Eli say. Aesop just nods his head while he looks in the distance. They both sit in silence. "You know Eli... what happens once we're off the show..?" "Well um, we're gonna want to make plans." Aesop looks at Eli. "That's something I want to think about later, let's enjoy this night together. Ok?" Eli some what asks. Aesop blushes a bit yet it wasn't visible. "Ok.." They talk a bit until something bright comes up. Eli's eyes widen at the sudden brightness. He looks down at his wrist to see a green light. Aesop has no reaction. He's slowly drifting asleep as he watches the stars. Once Eli realized he grabs Aesop's chin and pulls him in for a passionate kiss. Aesop gets a grip on reality and his eyes widen. Once he realizes what's happening he kisses back. Though he was still not aware of the green light. Eli eventually pulls away and notices the shock on Aesop's face. It was obvious he wasn't aware. Eli finds this a bit funny so keeps It hidden. "W-what was that for? I mean I'm not mad but.." Aesop asks. Eli just starts standing up. He grabs Aesop's hand. "Let's go get some rest." They both get up and walk over to the bedroom. Aesop knows the group isn't going to be happy, well more like he thinks. Once there in the room they both fall asleep, just like the others.
              ⭐️🌟middle of the night🌟⭐️
It was around 4:00am and Mike wakes up. He try's to fall back to sleep but isn't making much progress you could say. He's feeling a bit risky so decides to wake up Norton. "Hey~" Mike whispers, he gets no response. He starts to shake Norton until he starts to slowly wake up. "What" He groans. Mike roles his eyes. "Oh Mike!~" He whispers now surprised. "I can't sleep, wanna 'sneak out?'" Mike asks quietly . "Alright, just lemme change." They both quietly walk over the the dressing room trying not to wake anyone up. Once there in the room, Norton proceeds to put on his outfit for the day. "I figure we won't be going back to sleep." Norton says. "Yeah, you could probably say that." Mike adds. Once there both ready they head over to the door and go outside.
Everyone is sound alseep besides two. Well make that three. Melly heard the two leave and wakes up, she decides to tell Emma because she's right next to her. "Emma! Emma! Wake up!" She whispers. "H-huh..? What happened?" Emma asked. "I think Mike and Norton snuck out." Melly tells Emma. "Oh shit! I don't trust them.." The two both giggle quietly. Melly sighs. "You know I would go stop them but I'm too tired.." Emma yawns. "Yeah, what time even is it?" Melly looks at the alarm on the bed table. "4:23" Melly answers. "Welp, all we can do is hope.." Emma then yawns again. "Well I'm going back to sleep Melly. Goodnight." "Goodnight." Without thinking Emma lightly kisses Mellys lips then falls asleep. Melly was going to say something but just couldn't. She instead smiles lightly and then falls asleep once again.
☀️☕️Morning ☕️☀️
The sun rises and the group is awake. Tracy yawns. "Good morning!" She says. "Morning!" Victor responds. They each have there own conversations then proceed to all get ready. Once they start walking out Patrica notices something. "Guys.. are we missing anyone..?" Andrew looks back. "I think so.." "let's see.." Fiona says. "I know!" Tracy's adds. "Who?" A couple people ask. "M-" She gets cut off by Melly, "Mike and Norton!" She says. "Oh yeahhh" Patrica says. "Should we find them?" Patrica asks. "Well duh, for all we know they could be dead." The group laughs a bit. "We can go find them!" Melly and Emma say. The group thinks it's fine and the two girls head off to find them. "They shouldn't be to far." Emma says. "But not to close either.." Melly adds. They decide to look at the beach. Once they arrive they walk around yet still see no one. Then they decide to walk back. They walk around some more yet there still no where to be seen. "Huh? What happing over there?" Emma asks. The group is all crowded around the sofas. "Let's go check it out." Melly says. They quickly run up to hear the group all laughing. They look on the sofa to see Mike and Norton passed out on the couches. Emma and Melly giggle a bit then start to wake them up. Mike gets up first. "What's happening.?" He asks half asleep. Sooner or later he gets a grip on reality and sees the whole group crowded around them. He chooses to wake up Norton. Norton was confused as well but then he was awake. The group starts asking questions, things such as them 'making out'. Though they both just laugh it off.
"Hello there." Mary says
"I am here to announce that you all have been here for a half a month."
The group claps.
"There has also been a rule break of $3,000 dollars."
The group now goes silent.
"There is $61,000 left."
"Who was it!" Edgar groans.
"I bet it was them!" Fiona complains looking at Norton and Mike.
"It wasn't! Though I will say we were close~" Mike responses. Norton laughs yet the rest doesn't find it funny.
"Well then who was it Mike?" Vera says as she roles her eyes.
"How is he gonna know?!" Norton says trying to defend Mike.
Emma starts to speak, "It was me and Melly!" Melly giggles at bit.
The group goes silent.
"Huh!?" Everyone says. No one seemed to upset anymore. If anything happy for them, besides Tracy. She looked confused. "Tracy you okay?" Melly asks. "Well um-" The group goes silent and the spotlight is on her. "I loved meeting all of you and I had such a wonderful time. I would also say I learned a very valuable lesson but.. I think it's time for me to go. I haven't been feeling a romantic attraction to anyone, I'm sorry." Everyone is in shock. "T-Tracy.." Luca says. Fiona and Vera start to cry along with a couple of others. They all go in to give her a hug and wish her one final goodbye. Once everyone is done she thanks all of them and goes to the room to pack her bags.

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