😱Three new members😱

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Morning comes around and the group is awake. "Good morning constants" Mary says out of the blue.
"Could you all please be located at the beach in an hour?" Mary requests.
"Yes Mary!" Tracy says already wide awake.
"God it's so early, already?" Edgar complains. He enjoys to sleep in. "Right, this is the earliest she ever needed us!" Vera agrees with Edgar. "Well we better start getting ready!" Says Emma. The group gets up and heads to the dressing rooms. Fiona does her makeup and puts on a neon pink bikini then works on her portals by the walls. Fiona is usually very fast to get ready. The next person ready was Vera, she had on a purple one piece with two cuts on each side. She was deciding on which perfume to put on today. Eventually the whole group is ready and all walk over to the beach together.
Once the group arrives at the beach they all get situated.
"Hello there."
"Hii Mary!" Some of the girls say.
"There are going to be three new horny contestants joining you all today. They already are aware of the rules and have been given there bracelets."
"Oh my god!!" Emma yells.
"Yes!! Holy shit yes!" Mike also yells after her.
The whole group gets excited to meet these new members. They all celebrate until Tracy points out a boat in the distance. "Here they come!" A couple of people say. The boat starts to pull onto shore and everyone is in shock. There all so very hot. There was two new girls, one had brown hair that was in two low buns. She had a pink mark on her face that was almost in the shape of a hand, she was also carrying a little bee on her finger. The girl was wearing a dark green bikini. The other girl was also extremely attractive. She had brown hair that went to her shoulders with a couple of white stripes in it. She was carrying a cooler with some bottles of vodka, champagne, beer, etc. She was wearing a dark red bikini top with black bottoms.
Finally there was a tallish guy. He wasn't huge but was probably the tallest out of everyone. He had black hair with a red scar around his eye. He was wearing plain black swim shorts with a smirk on his face.
The group of three goes to introduce themselves.  "Demi!" Says the girl with the cooler. "I'm Melly nice to meet you all!" Greets the one with the bee. Finally, the guy with the scar introduced himself, "Norton, it's a pleasure to be here." The rest admired for a second until Mike started to speak. "Well.. I wouldn't say it's a pleasure." The group laughs. "I can confirm this." Andrew adds. Mike has been waiting to long for someone to love so he must go fast. He takes a look at everyone. He stops at Norton. He's very hot, Mike liked that though there's more to come then looks. He seemed to have a nice personality so far and was a tiny bit taller which Mike liked. He made up his mind, Norton is the one for him. The group all takes the new members to the pool to hang out.
The retreat is all hanging out in the pool. Vera is standing in the pool drinking a cocktail until Demi swims up to her. "Hey Demi!" Vera puts out her hand so she can shake it. "I'm Vera." Demi looks at her. "Nice to meet you Vera." They shake hands. "So, who are you with?" Demi asks her. "Nobody at the moment, they all have there own little crushes." Vera giggles after saying that. Vera looks at Demi, she's in shock. "What's wrong?" "Oh nothing." Demi snaps out of it. "These people must have horrible taste." Demi tells Vera, Demi laughs at her statement. Vera giggles as well. "Are you hitting on me~" Vera asks. "It's dating show" Demi says, "I'll hit on everyone~"  Vera wasn't to happy with this answer but it gave her a challenge and she liked that. "If you say so." Demi giggles then swims off to somebody else. Vera decides to keep an eye on Demi, meanwhile Mike makes a move on Norton. Norton is laughing with the rest of the group as he drinks his beer. Mike also being with the group decides to talk to Norton himself. "Can I try that?" Mike asks him. "sure" Norton hands him the drink and Mike takes a sip. There was only a bit left so Mike decides to finish it. "Ah shit it's gone, want me to go get you a new one?" Mike asks. "Yeah sure." " You can come with, I can show you were the coolers are if you want." Norton takes a look at everyone . "I'll be right back!" He yells to the group as he climbs out of the pool with Mike. They start walking. "So.. what do you think of the group so far?" Mike asks Norton. "Oh well um, there all very funny and nice. I do have my eye on someone though." Mike stops walking for a quick second. That quickly!? Well he can't really be talking here. His face turns a light pink. "Oooo~ who is it?" "I would tell you but I don't even know there name yet." "Oh well, I figured I mean, you've only been here for a couple of hours." They start to get closer to the coolers. "Your face is kinda pink." Norton says. "You might be sunburnt." Norton's not stupid yet, he decides to play dumb, just to maybe embarrass him. Mike looks a away. "Oh I'm fine! I'll just put some sunscreen on when we get back." Mike gets down to pick out some drinks from the cooler. "I'm gonna have a beer, what about you?" Mike asks. "Uhh, same as well." "Alright then!" Mike opens both drinks and gives one to Norton. "I'm Mike by the way!" "Nice to meet you Mike." They stay at the cooler for a second. Norton thinks that it's starting to get boring so he grabs Mikes chin when he starts speaking causing him to get cut off. Mikes eyes open wide at first until Norton begins to kiss him with tongue leaving a trail of saliva when the kiss released. There each gasping for air. Mike wipes his mouth and it goes silent. Norton walks back to the group like nothing happened. Mike is in shock. He sits down next to the cooler and thinks. Holy shit, we're gonna go broke but god, it was so worth it.
When Norton gets back the group doesn't suspect anything. Mike walks back with a bright shade of red on his face but plays it off as sunburn. They all continue to hang out in the pool. Hours go by until Mary speaks.
"It is starting to get late, can everyone please head down to the campfire."
They group all gets out and drys of then walks down to the campfire.
"I wonder what's happening~" Tracy says.
"There has been a rule break costing $3,000 dollars."
"Huh!?" Aesop says confused. "Who was this!?" Eli asked. "Yeah who was it?" Aesop asks after Eli. The whole group is quite. "Well someone own up!" Patrica says partly annoyed.
Mary interrupts.
"There is now $79,000 left."
"Who kissed, we won't be mad! Or at least me." Fiona says.
Norton laughs.
"It was me and Mike."
The group goes silent. "What, no way!?" Emma says. Mike laughs along with Norton. "Didn't you just get here!?" Edgar says in complete shock. If you think about though, Mike has been wanting to break a rule for a while so it only makes sense if he did so. Once the group is done complaining they all walk back to the bedrooms for a good nights sleep.

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