🍻Chase Chapter 3🍻

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"2 years after me and Stacy were married, she got pregnant"


"Chase.." she walks into the bedroom greeting a worried Chase sitting on the bed. Giving him a pregnancy test he stands up smiling "Oh honey I'm so happy!" he kisses her gently. 9 months later, Stacy gives birth to a beautiful baby boy named Max. Petting Stacy's hair from her eye's Chase kisses his forehead "He's beautiful..." Max grips Chases finger. After a few years Max is now 8', Stacy and Chase are happier than ever. Holding her from behind Chase kisses her cheek "Honey.. do you think Max is old enough to stay home by himself?" Stacy smiles "Why do you ask that?" Chase leans his chin on her shoulder "Because I wanted to take you out to dinner or a movie" Stacy smiles as Chase sway's her gently from side to side. "Well.. I suppose he is will you go tell him our plans?" Chase nod's walking up to Max's room and explaining to him that he is going to stay home alone for tonight. 

Leaving the house they go and enjoy a movie and dinner. After Dinner they retreat to a hotel, in fact the same hotel Chase stayed at when they met.Getting a room they retreat inside for some fun. After just over 30 minutes they finish "That was amazing Chase thank you for taking me out" Chase nods holding her to his chest. Suddenly she sits up "I-I think I'm going to vomit" she rushes to the toilet vomiting "Stacy is everything okay!?" Chase asks in a panic.  She sits on the toilet "Chase can you get me my bag.." feeling light headed she leans back. Giving her the bag she takes out a new pregnancy test "You brought that with you?" asks Chase confused. She nod's "Just in case.." he leaves shutting the door sitting on the bed once again like he did before. Stacy comes out with a towel wrapped around her body "Chase..I'm pregnant..again" Chase smiles walking over to her putting a gentle hand on her cheek "I'm happy.." She looks up at him "Really?" Chase nod's "Really" he kisses her forehead pulling her close.


"Oh my, you should have used a condom Chase" say's Dark with a chuckle. J.J blushes of embarrassment hearing Dark. Chase smiles "Your probably right but.. I was genuinely happy that we were going to have another miracle..though.. a few years later something happened that I wasn't expecting"..


Stacy 9 months later gives birth to a baby girl named Rose. A few years go by and Max is 12 and Rose is 4, though after Rose was born tension grew between Chase and Stacy. "Why don't you do any fucking work around here?!" Chase shouts back "I do plenty around here!" getting into fight's constantly Stacy finally had enough. "Were getting a divorce!!" She shouts mid argument, Chase's jaw drops "Stacy please.." he goes to hold her and she crosses her arms "No Chase.. I-I can't deal with this anymore.." she exits the room. A few days later they go to court and file a divorce agreement, both of them signing in silence, Stacy gains custody of both children leaving Chase to move back to Ireland alone. Opening the door to a cruddy apartment Chase walks in setting his cap on one of the side table, sitting on the bed he sobs into his hands.


"Oh Chase..That's awful..." Say's Mark looking at him. Chase nod's "Yeah..but.. it gets worse.."


A few months after moving back Chase took up a drinking habit that turned him into a depressed alcoholic. Taking a swig of his 'Jack Daniels' he looks at his cut up wrist then at the T.V static. "What has my life come to.." he hangs his head in his other hand sobbing. Getting up he spills his drink not caring anymore, walking to his closet he takes out a tied noose dropping it over a beam across his ceiling. Standing on a chair he takes the noose around his neck and steps off..


"That's..how I became a fallen angel..and then while I was down in hell I got assigned to Sean as some sort of guardian" he points over at Sean with a sad smile.  Everyone stays quiet for a moment until Sean talk's "Well.. I'm glad you told us" they all smile a nod. "Honestly.. I'm glad it all happened because then I wouldn't have know all of you" he smiles.

That is the end of Chases Story Hope you enjoyed

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