🍭Wilford Warfstache Chapter 3🍭

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"So basically after you saw Jameson in the window you thought it be easy?" says Sean. Will nods with a small smirk scratching his beard "And well it proved to be so.."


The 5 men burst through the door shouting orders at the few employees. Will comes in after with a tommy gun looking around the place seeing J.J and his friend at the bar. Waking over the people lying on the floor dead he shouts orders at Robert "Get on the floor NOW!" Robert glares. Will cocks the gun pulling the trigger seeing J.J jump in front he widens his eyes seeing them both fall to the ground. Seeing Jameson stare at him he stares back with his bright pink colored eyes, one of his men shout that they got the money and he runs off into the van as they drive off.  

Arriving at there secret place not leaving a single trace -or so he thought-Will goes into his office shutting and locking the door. Pulling off his suspenders seeing all the blood on his white shirt he starts to unbutton it grumbling out "God damn those goons.. they can never do anything clean" he throws the shirt on the desk. Combing his hair back the blood mixing with the bright pink he smirks looking into a mirror "Though.. the blood does look good-" suddenly he hears the main door being bursted through hearing the cops barge in telling the goons to get on the floor. Will panics grabbing his revolver and rushing out the back only in what he is wearing which is just dress pants and dress shoes with the suspenders dangling at his hips. He runs on the street trying not to get run over by the cars as the police chase after him "Shit Shit SHIT what am I going to do!?" he says continuing to run. 


"Dang.. what do you think you did wrong?" Will combs his hair back "To Be honest I never found out..but I knew I wasn't going to get away I knew eventually I would have been caught.." Chase interupts "What happened next?" Will continues..


Ducking into an alleyway Will looks around seeing he is corner holding his gun in one hand. Looking down at it Will thinks "I..I could.." he raises the gun to his head breathing heavy hearing the cops coming closer. "This is it.." he pulls the trigger falling to the concrete below. 


Everyone stares at Will silently until Dark speaks "I don't know if that was brave or stupid.." him and Will chuckle a bit lightening the mood. Sean clears his throat "So you just offed yourself instead of going to jail? Why?" Will looks at him "Well I would have rotted in a cell anyways why not go out on my terms" Dark interrupts "He even has the scar still" he pets Will's hair out of the way showing Sean the scar on the side of his head. Will blushes a bit seeing Dark from the corner of his eye smirk at him. "A-Anyway.." he clears his throat "To my surprize my awful parents went to a funeral they paid for-though it had to be closed casket" he grins looks at Chase holding back laughter. "But that was basically the end.. and even if I didn't off myself I don't think I would have met all of you" he looks around the group stopping at Dark with a small smile. 

That's The End Of Wilford's Story Hope You Enjoyed

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