🍭Wilford Warfstache Chapter 1🍭

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"So Will what happened?.." he sighs rubbing his temples "I- I can recall that night as clear as day.. but before I tell you about it you should all know my story and what lead up to all that crazy nonsense" Dark smiles a bit with a nod. " Well of course you already know that it was in the same era but my story starts differently. The bustling city seemed wonderful like a convertible with shiney new chrome to the naked eye.. but in reality it was a giant maze for criminals, thieves and murderers to hide in and I sadly fell into that crowd.." Sean interrupts "Were you born in the city?" Will nod's "I grew up poor.. so I either worked for very little when I was younger or I robbed small shops and citizens walking the streets.. my Father and Mother were not good parents I can tell you that" he chuckles a bit. Chase asks "This might sound a bit rude but is that why your a little uhm- Loopy?" Will chuckles "Yes of course that's why I've gone mad Chase I killed people for money and food that can really screw with a young mind" he laughs. "Now back to the story.."


Downtown-riddled with trash,where rodents and feral cats roam freely filled with disease. A Young boy sits in an abandoned apartment building with a makeshift home-if you can even call it that. Feeling his stomach ache from a shortage of food in his 'home' he thinks to himself "I've gotta get something for my family.." he looks at his father asleep on some old mattress they took form the dump along with his mother beside him. Walking over he nudges one of them "Mom?.. Mom wake up-" he gets pushed away.


"I..I never really got much affection from my parents..  because I was a burden to them they would tell  me often that I was a mistake and they regret having me.." he looks down wiping away some tears. Walking over Dark sits beside him putting a gentle hand on his back "I-I'm so sorry Will.." he looks at Dark "Don't be.. they were cruel people.." he continues his story.


Getting up off the floor Will runs out into the street seeing a few people out since it is night. Seeing a women he sneaks over tackling the women and grabbing her bag filled with food he runs off before she can see who he is. He hides in an alleyway seeing all the good food he smiles with a few tears "This is the best I've gotten in a while" he walks back home taking the food to his Mother and Father who are now awake. "What did you get boy?!" his Mother say's grabbing the bag and rummaging through it taking out some break starting to eat. His Father takes some food eating it as well tossing the bag back to him "You can have the rest.." he laughs a bit continuing to eat. Will looks in the bag seeing they left a bruised apple half of a bread loaf and some grapes, he sighs walking to his area of the 'house' eating his food with tears. Thinking to himself "W-Why don't they love me.. I don't understand.." he continues to eat looking down. 


Will wipes more tears continuing with a quiver in his voice "A-At the time I was o-only 17.." he looks down. Dark pulls him into a hug letting him cry it out before he continues. Everyone stays quiet as Will sobs into Dark's shoulder gripping his suit jacket tightly. Pulling away Will pulls himself together, giving him his handkerchief from his suit Dark stays quiet. "Like I said.." he sniffles "I didn't have a good childhood.. I didn't want to be bad I didn't want to commit crimes but I had too.. even though my family didn't want me I still cared about them.."


Finally at the age of 22 Will takes his leave from his abusive Father and Mother who were ill and brittle he grew cold towards them. The way he has lived and thrived as a child still stuck with him in his adult life. Robbing innocent people as normal but.. this time he wouldn't hesitate to kill for some cash. 

To Be Continued In Wilford Warfstache Chapter 2

[His story might go into 2 Chapters only but We'll see!]

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