🎥Jameson Jackson Chapter 1🎥

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"Well let's get this out of the way my story comes from the 1920's-" Smiling Will interrupts "Mine was from the same era how strange" he laughs a bit. "It all began when I was growing up in the country.."


Jameson was a young boy living in the outer parts of the big city. He always dreamed of performing on stages live for people. "Hey Ma! Watch this" he rushes into his small living room seeing his mother knitting "What is it now Jameson" he shows her a routine he's practiced so many times while working out in the yard. "Now J.J.. is that what you've been doing out there? No wonder why you hadn't gotten your chores finished" she continues to knit. His mother sigh's "Quit with that nonsense and go finish your chores" he sighs "Yes Mother.." slugging his way back out to the yard he picks up the rake continuing to put the leaves into a pile. Hearing some music from a passing truck he taps his foot starting to dance with the rake like it was a cane. Singing along he gets into the dance not caring who is watching. His father pulls up on the driveway seeing him dance with the rake, Suddenly Jameson watches the rake get pulled away staring at his father. "Jameson what are you doing? You shouldn't be dancing you should be working" J.J takes his hat off looking down at his shoes "Y-Yes Father.." giving him the rake back his father goes inside greeting his mother. "That boy and his foolishness.." he shakes his head in disappointment "Oh honey he's just a boy he'll grow out of it soon" she puts a hand on his chest. 

Around super Jameson contemplates telling his parents about his dreams as he washes up for dinner 'Should I tell them?...what if something happens..' he dries his hands joining them at the table. The room filled with silence Jameson's mother breaks it with some small talk "So..honey how was your day at work?" he sips his water "Fine" she looks back down at her plate eating. Jameson sums up the courage to speak himself "Mother? Father? I have something I want to share with you" they both look over making Jameson fluster. Pulling his collar from his neck he stands up clearing his throat "I..I want to become a stage performer in the city" he jumps hearing his father drop his fork. "Jameson you know that nonsense is not allowed in this house" his father shouts a bit "Honey calm down-" he looks over at her, she looks back down at her plate. "Go to your room, you're not having super tonight" Jameson look's down "Yes sir.." he slugges his way into his room shutting the door. Sitting on his bed he looks out his window seeing the bright city in the distance "One day.. I will follow my dream" he smiles a sad smile. 


"Wow.. Why did your father hate that idea so much?" asks Sean leaning in. "Well.. he thought it wasn't 'manly'.. he was a traditional man even though we were right in the middle of the roaring 20's he didn't like the idea of dancing and performing..though he wouldn't be too fond of me today either" he looks over at Chase with a smile, Chase smiling back. " Though the idea wasn't approved by my father I still wanted to follow it in my teenage years"..


To Be Continued In 🎥Jameson Jackson Chapter 2🎥

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