🥀Darkiplier Chapter 1🥀

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A loud splash coming from a river with a looming figure stands over the sinking body. With rolled up sleeves and his suit jacket draped over his shoulder he stares with a glare. His white shirt splattered with blood trailing up to his face where his cold purple eyes lie under a darkened shadow. 


"Dang.. what an intro" say's Chase. "Yeah you're a great storyteller Dark" says Jameson giggling. Dark smiles "Thank you sugar but let me continue.."


Taking out a cigarette he lights it puffing out smoke "Lets go.." he gets into a sleek black Continental Mark II* driving off. Arriving at a closed down bar stepping out and going inside, he greets a few men sitting at a poker table. Clearing his throat the men stand up startled "W-Welcome back sir" he smirks throwing the cigarette on the ground stepping on it "The pleasures all mine gentlemen.. resume" he walks past them into a private room. Taking off his coat he rubs his temples "Dang that body was heavy.." he walks over pouring himself some scotch. Taking a shot he wipes his mouth looking at himself in the glass seeing some blood on his face. "Awh.. that Plaidfileds daughter really was a messy girl wasn't she.." he chuckles darkly "Though.. the slut deserved it.. after all I saved her from embarrassment in the future.. she wouldn't have been wanted by any male in a few years.." he laughs. He swirls the rum setting it down talking to himself "Now it wasn't hard getting her to where I wanted because all I had to do was act like I was interested-though.. women disgust me.. It was an easy act" he chuckles leaning on his desk.  A smaller gentlemen walks in closing the door "Y-You wanted to see me sir?" he nods turning towards him "Come here~" the young man walks over standing in front of him.  He stands up straight pulling the him closer by his hips "You know Elliot I am very  fond of you~" he grumbles in his ear seeing him blush a bit.  "S-Sir I-" he takes his chin kissing Elliot gently "Shush now.." he continues to kiss him as Elliot puts his arms around his neck.  After a bit he pulls away holding Elliot by his hips "Now.. know if we do more than just make out you have to keep your lips sealed" Elliot nods "W-Why would I want to ruin being close to such a nice looking man?" he pets Dark's hair from his eyes. Smiling Dark looks into his blue eyes, his blonde curly hair hanging just over the side of his face "Damn.. you're beautiful" he pulls him against his body. 


"Alright alright Dark we don't need you to describe a whole sex scene most of us already know how you like to fuck" say's Will with a bit of jealousy in his tone. Noticing Dark raises an eyebrow "Awh jealous?" he smirks seeing Will cross his arms "Shut the fuck up..". Chase laughs a bit "Oh c'mon Will it was in the past it's not like you arent constantly fucking with Dark or anything" a few of the others laugh. Will gets a bit embarrassed getting a bit red, Dark puts a hand on his knee "Alright guy's quit" Will smiles holding his hand as he continues. 


Sitting in his chair holding a nude and panting Elliot Dark puffs out smoke sitting in his dress pants that are unzipped and unbuckled. Elliot snuggles under his chin saying "S-Sir?.." Dark rubs his back "Yes sugar?.." Elliot giggles a bit "Y-You were my first~" Dark raises an eyebrow "Well.. I hope you enjoyed~" he kisses the top of his head. 


"I-I have a question" say's Jameson, Dark and the rest of the group turn their attention to J.J. "W-Why do you call me sugar? since you called Elliot that I was just wondering.." he says a bit nervous with everyone staring. Dark laughs a bit "Jameson because you remind me of Elliot.. smaller... Innocent.." he leans forward with a smirk "Submissive~" J.J blushes bright red covering himself. Will grips Dark's hand tighter "Okay Will quit being so possessive" he snaps at him seeing him look down. 


Elliot pulls away seeing him smile "C-Can I?" he looks at the cigarette "Sure~" he says handing it to him seeing Elliot puff a ring.  He grins holding his hips "Elliot.. this was fun and all but I have to get back to figuring out how to kill Mr.Plaidfield.." Elliot smiles "I.. Have some insight on Plaidfield.." Dark looks at him "Why haven't you told me?" Elliot sits up straight "I-I recently got it I was going to tell you but.. we had a bit of fun" he giggles putting a hand on his chest. "I've heard Mr.Plaidfield has been caught numerous times sexually active with younger men.. obviously he keeps it a secret because he's a big businessman.. but that might just help us with a plan to kill him" Dark hold's Elliot's chin "I knew I liked you for a reason" he kisses his cheek. 

To Be Continued...

The * is for the car type is so you could come down here and see what that looks like:

The * is for the car type is so you could come down here and see what that looks like:

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I looked it up so you wouldn't have to! :D

And yes I know its Darkiplier and the car name has "Mark" in it but that was no intentional haha

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