🍭Wilford Warfstache Chapter 2🍭

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Though now that he's 22 he has a few henchmen to help do more dirty deeds. Sitting in a dark room Will lights a cigar from a pack he stole talking to one of the henchmen "What did you get?" the man puts down a bag of wallets and jewelry. "Good Good very good" he waves him away puffing out smoke he smirks looking through the bag. Fixing his gun holster he walks out of the room greeting his 5 henchmen "Boy's you did good.. but not good enough.. to pay for our 'luxray' place we must get better at this.." he takes out his revolver seeing a few of the men flinch, he grins "Boy's Boys don't be scared.. I wouldn't hurt the objects that are getting me money.. now that'd just be stupid.." he puts his gun back "Now.. go fetch me some insight and don't come back till you get me something good"..


"Dang Will you were a high rolling thief you had henchmen and everything" say's Mark, Will nods "That's the only way I knew how to live-stealing and after a few years of doing it I knew it'd eventually catch up with me.."


Later at sunset his henchmen come back with some information that could really get them some money. "Boss we got a lead" Will turns to them walking to the table with a light over head "Talk to me" he twirls a toothpick between his lips. "Well there's this place uptown its a club they get shows every night, which means they get a lot of green" Will smirks nodding. "Nice job boy's get ready because this is going to be fun" he walks back into his office.


"So I'm guessing this was what Jameson described earlier?" says Dark. Will nod's "Yes.. now let me continue"..


Gathering everything they need, Will smirks pulling on a disguise "C'mon boys lets get movin'" he and the 5 men enter a black van driving up town.  Arriving outside the club Will eye's a young man at the bar "Lets go boy's this one will be easy"

To Be Continued In Wilford Warfstache Chapter 3

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