✨Present Day✨

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"That was very.. depressing" says Chase unironicly "Yes very but.. if that hadn't happened I would have never met all of you"  he smiles putting away his desk of cards as everyone gathers back in their spots. "Well.. who want's to go next?" Anti sits quietly, wrapped in a blanket and a hoodie the black hood over his head. "Hey how about you Anti? I'm sure your story is inetresting.." says Will seeing him look up with tears streaming down his face. "Anti I didn't know my story would bring so many to tears-" Anti interupts "it's.. not that Marvin.. I was thinking about my past self and.. how happy I once was.." he wipes his eyes but more tears come. Yancy walks over pulling him into a hug hearing him sob, he whispers something in his ear seeing him nod. Anti leaves inside to cool down while Yancy meets back up in the group "I can tell my story while Anti cools off.."

To Be Continued in Yancy Chapter 1

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