⛓Yancy Chapter 2⛓

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Yancy stands there with a bit of blush, noticing he smirks "Oh I see.." he stands up startling Yancy to stand straight. "You want to hit on the big guy.. I get it I'm clean cut, handsome, romantic and confident.. I see why you're attracted but-" he puts out his cigar. "You're my thief boy.. you're young and spry.. I can't date my workers.." he grumbles out leaning both hands on his desk hanging his head with a sigh. Young Yancy smiles walking closer to the desk "You know.. I can work for you in.. other ways~" Yancy sees him look up into his eyes. He chuckles "You're consistent.. maybe we can try it out for a bit.. but I am going to make two thing's clear young man" he says stern. "We are in no means dating, and two you mustn't tell your Father.." he stands straight fixing his coat. Yancy nods with a smile seeing him smile over his shoulder standing towards the window "You can come back during the night time.. for now you have to go.. your Father is waiting for you outside" he says looking out the window through the curtains.


"What. the.fuck!?" shouts Will, making the whole group stare at the two looking at one another from across the group. Yancy keeps his arms crossed looking down with welled up eyes, as Dark starts to speak "Yancy-" he stops him nodding no "Don't.. Just don't say anything.. please.." he wipes his eyes as they sit in silence for a few moments. Finally Yancy speaks "I..I know it's a surprise to all of you but.. it happened.." Sean asks "Yancy.. then why do you and Dark resent each other so much?.." Yancy sighs "I'll explain later.." he continues his story..


Heading home with his Father the car ride silent as it always was Yancy stares out the window with a small smile. Rushing inside he heads into his room shutting the door and locking it, plopping down onto his bed. 'Wow.. that actually happened..' he thinks with a smile getting a bit flustered 'I must go back tonight.. he didn't say a time though..' he says under his breath. 

After supper the whole house heads to bed with the set curfew his Father forced. Shutting and locking his door once again Yancy lies in bed in his street clothing awaiting for his parents to fall asleep.  After waiting for an hour or two Yancy gets up quietly, make shifting a pillow lump under his blankets. Looking over at the clock it reads '11:53' he smiles saying under his breath 'Alright.. just have to head back before the morning' he slips out of his bedroom window rushing to the hide out. 

Slipping in through the back door out of breath from running he see's a dimmed light under his office door smiling. Walking up to the door he opens it seeing him standing looking out the window "Welcome~" he says in a seductive tone turning towards him, revealing he isn't wearing a tie his shirt open at the top and his hair combed back. Blushing a bit he closes the door behind him "O-Oh my" he says standing against the door.  He walks closer to Yancy with a smile "Don't be scared.. you wanted this after all~" he gestures to himself with a small chuckle. Yancy nods stepping closer putting his arms loosely around his neck. "Sir? can I be honest?" he nods "I..I haven't had my first kiss yet..~" he says getting embarrassed looking away. "Well then..~" he takes his chin kissing him gently.


Yancy stops telling his story choking up, looking down at his feet he has tears streaming down his face shaking a bit. They all sit quietly concerned, "Yancy you don't have to continue-" suddenly he speaks looking at Dark "You don't understand how fucking much you meant to me.. or did you? and you just didn't care.." he says through more tears holding them back.  Dark goes to speak but he stops him "I don't need an answer.." he continues on with his story. 


Walking in one night Yancy sneaks up behind him hugging him around his waist "Hello~" he laughs a bit watching him turn around with a smile "Hello~" he says back. Trailing him into the secret room in the hide out Yancy smiles "I have a surprise for you" sitting on the bed he smiles "Oh?~ I'm excited" he says watching him shut the door.Slipping off his ripped jeans he blushes revealing he's wearing a thong, seeing him bite his lip looking him up and down. 

After a bit he's sitting on his lap nude while his shirt is gone and his pants unzipped letting him kiss his neck. "Damn thief boy.. you really know how to have fun~" he says with a small chuckle holding his waist. 

..After a year Yancy still continues to go each night and join his Father to work for him in the day.. but one day a new goon stepped into the hide out..

"Alright.. we've all noticed the younger gentlemen in the back he's new so be easy" he says crossing his arms looking him up and down a bit, Yancy noticing getting a bit jealous brushes it off. Helping the newbie talk about what to snatch while out Yancy is a bit rude "So what's your name anyways?" the blonde haired boy smiles "I'm Elliot"


Everyone widens their eyes looking over at Dark who hangs his head down, looking back over at Yancy seeing him doing the same "Elliot ruined everything.."


..After a few more years Damien is now 31 and Yancy is 26..

"Victor, Yancy join me in my office.." he says cold as they follow him shutting the door. "Since.. we need profit to move into a new and better space I have a deed for you Victor" he says sitting at his desk. "What is it sir?" he smirks "I know your Wife- Athena- has insurance on herself.." Victor widens his eyes as he continues "If you're loyal to me.. you must kill her to get the money" Victor shouts a bit "I could never-" he hushes him "Either that or you're fired.." he says stern. Victor storms out Yancy following him outside of the hide out "F-Father you're not going to kill Mother are you?" Victory puffs out smoke from a cigarette "No, you're" Yancy widens his eyes.

To Be Continued...

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