⛓Yancy Chapter 3⛓

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..After fighting and fighting with his Father Yancy had no choice, he had to murder his beloved Mother..

Talking to his Father outside Yancy has tears streaming down his face "Dad I don't want to do this.." he says looking him in the eyes. Victor holds his shoulders "I..I don't want you to do this.." Yancy looks at him "You're the one forcing me to.. Dad we don't have to do this!!" he shouts sobbing into his hands. Smacking him across the face Yancy widens his eyes wiping away his tears "Remember.. the plan.." he says stern walking into the house Yancy following behind quietly. 

"Mother do you want to head out on the town? We haven't had much time together lately.." she nods "I'd love that Yancy" she sets down her washing rag. "I'll get ready" she makes her way into the master bedroom shutting the door. Sitting in silence for a moment Yancy keeps his head down, hearing the door open he smiles seeing his Mother in her best wear "You look wonderful Mom" he says with a smile "Common we can take a nice walk" he opens the front door for her. Looking over his shoulder at his Father he sighs closing the door behind him. 

After a nice walk they stop looking out standing on a high bridge looking out onto the city "Wow this is beautiful" Yancy nods looking down at the hard concrete below. "Watch this" he gets up on the ledge standing straight "Yancy you're going to hurt yourself honey get down.." he nods no "Join me" he smiles having his hand out. Athena takes off her heels joining him on the ledge "This is so nice.. enjoying time with my boy" she hugs him "I love you" Yancy smiles with tears in his eyes "I love you too Mother.." he suddenly pushes her off the ledge watching her fall to the concrete below hearing a loud thud. Getting off the ledge he heads his way down a not so busy road calling 9-1-1 reporting his Mother dead to get the insurance money. 

The following evening Victor and Yancy arrive discreetly with the money they owe to Damien. They set down the bag of money on his desk having their heads hung low, "Good work boys here's your part" he gives 300$'s to Victor "Good work" he shakes his hands not knowing Yancy did it. They leave for the night heading back home, the house feeling empty they eat microwaved chicken Athena made last night. Unable to control his sobs Yancy gets up unable to even eat he heads into his room sobbing into his pillow.

After the house goes quiet Yancy has gathered himself together enough to head to the hide out 'At least I can get some happiness.. even though he was the one who wanted my Mother dead in the first place" he makes it to the hide out with a smile. Entering the quiet place he hears a few voices in the back where the secret room is, making his way he opens the door a peep with wide eyes tears stream down his face seeing Elliot and Damien enjoying each others company being touchy. Seeing Damien holding his hand handing him a rose Yancy rushes out of the building stopping in an alley way breathing heavy crying with his hand over his mouth. 

Feeling all the repressed anger and pain from his Father abusing him from a young age, forcing him to kill his Mother and then being replaced by someone younger Yancy suddenly punches the brick wall not caring about his knuckles bloody. Taking out the switch blade from his boot with vile intentions, heart over mind he makes his way back to the house, creaking open the front door standing in a looming silhouette holding the knife with a tight grip. Slowly making his way down the hallway creaking the door open to his Father's room he grins with a sinister smile. 

Looming over his sleeping Father Yancy takes the knife in both hands breathing heavy he stabs his Father in the chest deep. Seeing him startle awake he straddled his waist stabbing him over and over again with tears streaming down his face, along with blood splattering onto his face. Stabbing him who know's how many times Yancy finally getting off of his Father's mutilated and bleeding body he breathes heavy staring at his face. "You were my Father.. but you did me so bad that doesn't matter anymore.." he says aloud wiping away his tears smearing blood more onto his face at the same time. Seeing the stack of money Damien gave him Yancy smirks "I know what I am going to do with this..." he gets cleaned up and calmed down leaving the scene of the crime to get a tattoo.

After the tattoo is finished he heads back to the house seeing cops surrounding the property. Knowing that he'll get caught due to the knife he makes his presence known a few officers point their guns at him and he kneels getting arrested.

After attending court, pleading guilty he gets sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. Sitting in his cell he looks at his tattoo with a smile, suddenly a few inmates make it into his cell. "Hey I know you from somewhere.. didn't you work for Damien!?" shouts one of the men seeing him nod with a blank stare. Suddenly he gets beat with a pipe or two perishing in the process..


"Wow.." says Sean looking over at Yancy looking at his tattoo "If you don't mind us asking.. what does the tattoo say?" asks Anti who now has rejoined the group.  Yancy nods reading it aloud 'In loving memory of Athena Piera Montalto' my Mother.." he sighs out looking at everyone. Sitting in silence for a few more moments Dark suddenly speaks "Yancy.. I'm sorry I replaced you like that.. and I can see why you resent me so much cause I basically made you off your Mother and that wasn't right.." Yancy nods "Thank you Dark.." they share a small smile.

End of Yancy's Story

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