Why no chapters on results?

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Hi :)

This is a question you maybe asking.

I don't know how to say this so....

I have been getting loads of results. Including my group. However, this is information that should stay private for safety sake.

As they say in Happiness Charge Precure, once you find out who a cure is, you join the fight. Willingly or not.

You become a target. That's why family's are the last to know Precure exist. Not only would they be targeted by bad guys but also interfere (Hopefully for good intentions like protecting you.)

Sometimes we don't tell things so people won't get hurt. Physically or mentally.

That's not the only thing, it  indangers us too.

Putting journeys/ journals is a risk in itself. It's AMAZING to see don't get me wrong! But everyone must know the danger it causes.

It doesn't matter if you believe in AWTOK or government conspiracies or not. What matters is that you are trying to keep your family/ friends/ loved ones safe.

It's also a reason why we don't tell people our names. This isn't fear mongering. This is covering yourself.

What if you read this and become a target? Your forget and woke up as a prisoner?! All because one of us shared personal information with any of you? I could NEVER forgive myself.

However I can share some info :) :

1. We know who the bad guys are and maybe his goal. Btw he's scary...

2. We are going to do a final decision of concepts and the bad guys next week.

3. Most of the members have been gathered except 2. One is not found and the other is.... Complicated

4. I'm still using subs but mainly they are from Sweet Tea, myself and solar subs except one or two for getting rid of nightmares.

5. We know the monsters we are up against and how the bad guys dish them out

I'm sorry if this has caused fear or stress but I think it's important to talk about this. Especially with what's been going on recently.

That's almost everything to say (except my research on autism for my books)

I hope you have a good night :)

Cure Comet

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