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This is a complex subject.

All manifestation, LOA and many other things is linked to believing it works.

People can and will use this kind of stuff to manipulate others. Use them and control them. That's why doing your own research is always a good idea.

Everyone's ideas are different. Heck if we were all the same, the world would be pretty boring.

It's ok not to believe this stuff it's ok to not like it or want to do it. It's ok to say "I don't believe it but I respect your choice."

This kind of thing isn't for everyone. I respect that.

Not only that but it's also ok to look at something like this to educate yourself! That's something that many people today don't do!!! And you should be proud of yourself doing so!

However; you all saw this coming, making fun of people isn't ok. Haters, yea I get it but why share the hate? If you have nothing nice to say don't say it :)

Disagree but spreading the hate isn't a good idea. You stop creativity, you stop change in the world. Making people be exactly like you. But you should know, people aren't like you. Many will just ingore you and carry on.

Yea they will be disheartened but unlikely to stop.

Our world is basiced on belief! Religion, witchcraft, conspirasy theories and more. They have belief as a common factor.

Without belief, we couldn't have electricity or planes or technology or medicine. Without belief, there would be no motivation.

So belief is actually a very important part of survival and makes us who we are. As humans.

We would still have slavery without belief that it wasn't ok to do that, we would still have inequality without belief that there's a world where equally could exist.

Then we have our morrals.... What we believe is right.

So as you can see, belief is very important! However, never explained or educated at school. In our society, beliefs are being crushed. Because they arn't 'normal'. Do you think it was normal before electricity to believe it existed??? I bet you some people thought they were mad and stupid! But now our modern world is ran on technology!!

We need to encourage out of the box ideas and beliefs! Yea maybe some are bad... But many could be good! Encourage change and I think we will go far!!

That's all I believe I can talk about today....

I hope you have a good evening :)

Cure Comet :)

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