Another emotional speech

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My Magical Girl Journey/Journal

Part 16

Angel numbers ahoy!!!:

1212, 1313, 1717, 1414 ,2222, 2020, 1919, 1818, 1111

and so on!!!!!!

This doesn't count the 3 digit numbers I keep seeing as well!!!

So, that is this chapter about???

Well, life purpose.

We are all looking for it.

"What is my purpose in life, what should I do with my life. What do I want to do with my life??"

It's an important question that people do not know the answer to or don't know what they want to do with their lives. Even people in their 50's, the '60s don't know what they want to do!!!

However, we teenagers want to rush it. We want to know NOW what we are supposed to do and we get pressured to what we want to do. (mainly, jobs)

Seriously, you don't have to decide now!!

It's okay to think about it, but don't get hung up on it. Don't get stressed, worried or anything like that. It won't help. Of how many times I have done this only for it to go straight back to the beginning again is annoying, stressful and upsetting.

How you may be asking how is this anything to do with MG's???


Us MG's are trying to make the "Unrealistic", realistic.

Having magic powers, fighting evil, having a pixie. So on so forth.

However, we keep seeing angel numbers. Which are trying to tell us things. That we are going in the right direction. That our dreams are being answered, slowly yes but still it's progress.

Luyando actually became an MG! So it isn't impossible!!!

So, may I ask THIS to you. WHO decides what is realistic or not?!

Maybe, MG's, this is our life path I was talking about.

Destroying the line between realistic and unrealistic.

People thought we couldn't fly because we didn't have any wings. But we did it!!!

They thought that we couldn't go into space because there was no way up there, that we wouldn't be able the breath.

Well, guess what! We did!

We can create technology like phones, computers, light bulbs and tablets!

We can make houses, roads, streets and pavements (sidewalk)

We can make furniture, we can create games, we can create fashion, Heck, we created time!!!!


No other animal on this planet can do any of that! No animal can create technology, they don't wair clothes or anything like that. They can't create time.


We are humans, able to create almost everything that comes into our minds, being able to manifest all sorts of things!!

Our purpose, the break down the invisible line of fantasy and reality.

But then again, is it fantasy if someone was able to do it??

I hope you have a good week:

Cure Comet

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