Update 3

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Chao! Em, right updates:

1. I keep seeing angle numbers like 11:11, 13:13, 17:17, 10:10, 12:12. Mainly 11:11. Manifestation. Goals being realised!!!

2. While walking to school on Thursday and Friday, I was contacted by a past precure. (I know this sounds like I'm mental but I'm telling the truth.) The precure was a man/boy (I don't know his age) and said he was proud of me?? At the end of the covisation, he said "Good luck, Spiritual Pretty Cure" I guess Spiritual Precure is going to be the name of the group.

3. I was also contacted by a young girl later on who said that the man I was talking to earlyer was her grandad (now that I thought about it, the man had to be a man because of this) and she called me Miss Pretty Cure of which I thought was cute. She also talked about that the area I walk through to get to school is very high in energy and that there is a community of people all around there. Seems like I am getting powers of a precure but to talk to ghosts/ spirits. I wasn't going to talk about it to anyone but they said it is alright.

4. Tonight there is something scratching and tapping in the house and I don't know what it is. Scary to be honest. Especualy through a strong storm.

5. I just saw 11:11 just now. Amazing!

6. I have created my Magical girl HQ! I will send the blueprints on the next update!

I beleave that is it. Next time will be the blupritns of my Magical girl HQ.

Hope you have a good Early Morning:

Cure Comet

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