So if Buck's Not a Firefighter, What Does He Do All Day?

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“Hello?” Buck answers his phone, “Oh! Hello. Yes. I was calling about booking a band on November 15th, and the brides would die if they could find someone that does both heavy metal and pop.” a beat, then, “Uh huh.”, right as the phone starts to ring. “Hang on one second. Okay.”

Buck sets one phone doen, picking up the receiver, “Hello, ‘Say I Do’.”, right as a delivery guy drops off a package.

“Oh, hi, Jake.” Buck replies as he signs for the package. “Oh gee, you know something? I’m so sorry you and your best man are fighting. But you know something? Your wedding’s not for a few more years. No reason things won’t work out before then.”

The delivery guy drops an envelope on the desk, as Buck keeps talking, with a laugh, “No, a backup is not necessary. I really don’t.”

Then he ends the call, “Okay, I will call back as soon as humanly possible. Alright. Thank you. Bye.”, and hangs up, picking his cell back up.

“Hi, sorry. Now where were we again?”

“Buck, I need you in here!” his boss calls from another room, which causes Buck to wince, as he tells the person on the phone, 

“Okay, scratch that. I’m gonna have to call you back. Alright. Bye.”

Then he hangs up, stashing his phone in his suit pocket, as he approaches his boss, the famous Kyler Trevino, who’s currently holding a cat in his arms.

“Yes, sir?”

“You’ll never believe what just happened!”

Busk asks hesitantly, “What?”

Kyler squeals, “We just got Kayla Hendrix’s wedding!”

Unfortunately, Buck doesn’t quite understand what the big deal is, and has to ask, “Who’s Kayla Hendrix?”

Kyler explains in a slightly strained tone, “The Ham Highness’ daughter?”

Buck shrugs, “That’s...awesome.”

Kyler snaps, “No it’s not! It’s groundbreaking! It’s going to be the highest-profile wedding in Los Angeles! Know what that means?”

Buck hesitates, “Uh….”, then tries to joke, “Sleeping at my desk and little to no pay?”

Clearly Kyler has to spell it out, “It means we’re a shoo-in for a cover story in Martha Stewart Weddings . Can you imagine the publicity this will get us?”

Now Buck is smiling, because yeah, that would be huge, for both of them.

“And you, sir, I assure you I haven’t forgotten about. If we pull this off, we just might talk a little more about that promotion I keep promising is in the works.”

Buck’s mouth drops open, “For real?”

Kyler replies, as he strokes the cat, “Completely. Evan Buckley, Senior Consultant. You own clients, personal assistant, and a very impressive raise.”

Buck can barely speak, “I-I don’t even know what to say.”

Kyler gives him a look, and says quietly, “Then don’t.”, checking his watch. “The interviewer’s gonna be here in about 15 minutes. Go get ready!”

Buck nods, “Already on it.”, then runs to do as he’s told.

“Martha Stewart Weddings is my favorite magazine.” Kyler gushes to the interviewer, “Especially when I can see my profile in it!”

Buck approaches quietly, as he brings in a tea tray, setting it on the table.

Seeing this, Kyler warns, “Watch it. That tea set is worth more than your life insurance.”

Buck hares being chastised, especially in front of company, but just bites his tongue.

“Care for a baklava? Made them myself.” Kyler offers, picking up his cat to kiss her. “Didn’t I, Gigi?”

The interviewer asks, impressed, “You run your own business and still have time to make baklava? I seriously wonder how you manage to pull it off.”

As Buck stands up, he mutters, “I don’t...”

Of course, Kyler hears him, turning his head sharply, “I’m sorry, Buck, what was that?”

Flinching, Buck tries to cover, “Sorry, K, just muttering to myself about the cake for the Harnell wedding.”

Kyler corrects him, “Why bother muttering? The bride wants marzipan instead of fondant.”

Buck tries to reason with him, “But marzipan is more expensive, and we’d be going over budget. Rolled buttercream is an awesome alternative."

The interviewer asks, curious, "Are you a consultant too?"

Kyler answers before Buck can, " Junior consultant. He does some of the planning, but it's not a Kyler Trevino wedding unless I'm the one doing the work.", as he keeps petting his fussy cat.

When Gigi looks at Buck, and hisses, Buck uses that as an excuse to say, "I'll just go back to my desk."

As Buck walks away, he hears Kyler say, “Now where was I? Oh, right. The Hendrix wedding.”

The interviewer replies, “Isn’t that a bit much, for just two people?”

Kyler answers, “No, don’t be silly. It’s one person.”

Here, he steals a look at Buck, who shoots a flabbergasted look right back at him, before Kyler continues, “My...recently single assistant is too...raw, for an event like this. So sad.”

Okay, stop right there. Buck is not raw. Far from it.

Just ask rule number two: A professional knows better than to ever let their personal life collide with their job.

Yes, Buck got dumped over a year ago. But considering his wife dumped him to “find herself”, and fell in love with another man, is it so wrong to say that really worked out for the best? Just because his first marriage didn’t work out, does NOT mean Buck's views on marriage have changed, even a little bit.

A hiss and yowl behind him snaps Buck out of this train of thought, and when he turns around, he sees Kyle's cat climbing the coat rack and clawing the hell out of a jacket hanging off of it.

"Gigi!" Buck exclaims, standing up to try and pull the cat off, only for Gigi to start clawing at both him and the jacket.

"Crazy…" Buck mutters, as he keeps struggling, until he finally gets the cat's claws out of the jacket, holding it away from her, with an exasperated sigh.

But that doesn't mean sometimes the job doesn't suck.

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