We Finally Get the Full Story From Buck, and Apparently Maddie Was There!

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When Buck finally wakes up the next morning, head pounding, the only thing that’s running through his thoughts crystal clear were Eddie’s parting words.

All of Buck’s trust issues were thrown right back in his face, and he’s not even mad, because Eddie was absolutely right.

Buck has no one to blame but himself for not trusting Eddie when he said nothing was happening.

The only logical thing to do, that Buck can see, is to roll over and fall back asleep, let everything be tomorrow’s problem.

But right as he rolls over to do just that, he sees the clock, and lays back, rubbing his head.

Hangover and all, his brain offers up something he’d forgotten about, that also manages to get him to get up and out of bed.

Rule number 8: All bets are off in matters of the heart. 

“Fuck this.” Buck mutters to himself as he throws something discarded to the side, only to stop dead in his tracks when he sees Maddie in his kitchen, pouring coffee.

“How are you?” she asks, upon seeing him approach.

Buck lets out an empty laugh, as he sits down on one of his living room chairs, “How am I? Let’s recap: No love life, no career, and my head feels like a stampede of elephants are stomping all over it.”

Maddoe comes over with one of the coffee mugs, handing him one, “Well you can still do something about the career problem. Just call K, ask him to take you back.”

Buck shakes his head, “Actually, him firing me might’ve been the best thing he ever did for me in that job. I’ll take being broke and jobless over being Kyler’s yes man.”

And that’s right when someone knocks on the door, so Maddie speaks up, “I’ll get it.”, and walks off, while Buck keeps silently sipping his coffee.

“Oooh, Buck! I think you’ll like these.” Maddie calls, and when Buck turns his head, he sees Maddie returning with a bouquet of tulips.

Intrigued, Buck sets his coffee down, reaching for the note that came with it, and upon seeing the message, his face falls slightly.

“They’re yours.” he tells her, handing it back.

Confused, Maddie reads the note for herself, “My favorite flower grows between your nose and your chin. I miss you. Love, Chim.”, then lights up, “Aw, isn’t he adorable?”

Buck reminds her, “I thought you said never again.”

Maddie argues, “Hey, I can change my mind.”, then stands up, “Good news is, I don’t need to crash here anymore.”

Buck sips his coffee, adding sarcastically, “Whoopee. Now I can add loner to the list. I ask you, exactly how could things possibly get any worse?”

Says every main character ever, right when the universe decides it just has to show why that’s about the dumbest thing you could ever say.

“Oh, forgot to tell you. Corey called. Something about meeting her for brunch?”

Buck, miraculously, just sips his coffee one last time, but doesn’t react at all.

By the time he arrives for brunch, Corey’s already there, and the second she sees him, she’s calling,

“Buck! It’s almost noon! You couldn’t have at the least taken a shower, or changed your clothes?”

As Buck tries to sit down, she adds, “And what’s with the sunglasses?”

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